Monday, February 4, 2019

Is The U.S. Intelligence Community Trying To Undermine President Trump?

Sharyl Attkisson, The Hill: Intel operation against Trump still going strong

There was a great deal of news this past week about President Trump’s audacious disregard for the advice and warnings from his own intelligence community experts.

Perhaps there’s good reason for alarm.

But I think there’s one shocking aspect — perhaps a larger story — that’s gone virtually unreported. It appears that anonymous intelligence officials are executing an operation against the sitting commander-in-chief. It might not qualify as all-out mutiny, but it’s also not all that far from one.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The U.S. is a deeply divided nation, with a good part of the population who do not see President Trump as legitimate. In such a partisan environment I am sure that there are many in the intelligence community who feel this way, just as there are many in the media and public who would give voice to it. In the meantime, the leaks from anonymous sources continue, and the press fuels it.


Bob Huntley said...

The "intelligence community", which help initiate untold suffering around the world and yet managed to prevent 911, is interested not just in perpetuating their jobs, but expanding their workload as much as possible. That is just a normal desire of the workers in any occupation actually so they aren't that different from any class of worker, except for the nature of their work that is. Accordingly they will object to any move, by any President, to reduce their sphere of influence. They are of course capable of providing the quickest solution to an errant (in their minds) President.

fred said...

Why Old Clinton Sleazeball Mark Penn Loves Trump

Why Mark Penn Is Sounding Trumpy

The longtime Clinton strategist insists his objection to the Mueller investigation is about principle, not opportunism. His critics beg to differ.

fred said...

Mr Huntly
Do you suggest we do without intel?
If not, then what do you propose?
9/11 intel messed up because agencies not coordinated. That was fixed, or was said to be fixed (I can not say with certainty if so)
All intel in agreement, 100% that Russia fully involved in American elections in a number of ways. Do you believe otherwise?

Anonymous said...

WNU Editor: What percentage do you believe did not see President Obama as legitimate? Is it any different with President Trump?

fred said...

Iraq to Trump: Leave Us Out of 'Your Own Issues'
Barham Salih says president didn't ask permission to 'watch Iran' from his country

Anonymous said...

Anon: the issue here has nothing to do with legitimacy

Anonymous said...

90%+ saw Obama as legitimate. True birther-believers etc were rare. About 30% or so however believe in Russia gate narrative still. They are extremists that won't change their mind even after 3 years and no evidence and only brutal gestapo tactics by team Mueller, harming justice in the process. Or doing what "Democrats" do. Injustice. Mobs. Tyranny. Telling you what to think. Race baiting. Trump is Hitler. Dog whistles. All that good stuff, to keep the masses going

fred said...

the Mueller thing coming to a close soon. Well over 15 indictments, guilty pleas, flipped people, etc and nothing there?
you go off on a rant that is childish...these things take time. Look at how much time Nunes took for truly nothing but trying to badmouth Hillary etc.
Just wait, then, till we get Trump taxes and/or materials from Cohen and Manfort and Stone

fred said...

Sam Nunberg: Mueller Team Has 'A Strong Case Of A Conspiracy'
Former Trump campaign aide Sam Nunberg revealed in a recent interview that he believes special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigators “have a strong case of a conspiracy” involving Russia.

Bob Huntley said...


I thought I posted this response already, maybe on a different page.

In my comment above I meant to say "not prevent 911"

Do you suggest we do without intel?
If not, then what do you propose?
9/11 intel messed up because agencies not coordinated. That was fixed, or was said to be fixed (I can not say with certainty if so)


ntlel, both international and domestic, that provides valid information used to protect the country is an absolute necessity, I believe.

That assumes of course that the intel folk aren't being controlled by say the WIC, or, by various politicians that have sold themselves out to the WIC for pecuniary, and, other purposes. I believe the function of the intel community should be passive as regards the protection of the country, whereas it does appear to be more aggressive than passive at times. I feel that way because of the ultimate result of the disastrous wars, both on innocent people of the world in general, but Americans in particular, much of which stems from incorrect or manipulated intel. Witness Iraq II as the prime example in that respect. I mention the impact on Americans because of the state of numerous segments (infrastructure, healthcare, education, justice) of American life that have been so negatively impacted by the channeling of the country's wealth to the war games for the benefit of the WIC.

On 911, how on Earth could America, the foremost military and intel country in the world, have that not only happen but be unable to intercept the attackers once they came to light? What is more mind boggling is the elimination all of the forensic evidence, especially from WC 7, the building that was not hit by a plane. If there was nothing illicit involving American "interests" why was the evidence destroyed and a less than forthright investigation conducted? There may have been nothing untoward from a governmental nefarious interest perspective, but the question that won't go away is, did intel "mess up" or simply stand down? Yes they may have corrected the situation that led to the "mess up" but that will not be known until there is another "911"happening, or maybe not.

All intel in agreement, 100% that Russia fully involved in American elections in a number of ways. Do you believe otherwise?

I think intel lacks credibility generally, not maybe so much in the collection of information as in the interpretation and manipulation thereof for whatever purpose. They may be 100% in agreement or not, but are they banding together for survival purposes as once again the ineptitude of the intel community has come to the forefront?. The question and therefore the value of the intel community is, why didn't they interfere with Russia's interference when they were interfering with the election? Heavens knows they spy on Americans as if there was no greater foe.

I have no doubt that Russia probably got involved in the American election(s) and a number of other countries as well. So what? America meddles in elections the world over and it is not as if America's election system is a shining example of how to conduct a vital portion of the democracy experiment. I consider the investigation into Russian involvement in the election as being a distraction from the fact that intel missed it while it was happening, something like the 911 attack. But as you said, with qualification, that problem has been fixed.

Interesting editorial here .

fred said...

Life is short and I am old. so there is only this from me
1. if you do not believe intel
2. and you distrust MSM
3. where do you get what you believe from and why do you believe that source?

Anonymous said...

I would still be interested to see (in a poll) how many Democrats still believe that the Russians were involved in vote tampering during the 2016 election. It's like the "birthers" on steroids and supercharged, with full backing from the MSM...

Bob Huntley said...


I am old too Fred, and time for me remaining is getting shorter too.

I don't believe I am as old as you, assuming of course you have told the truth about fighting in the Korean war, which if it really happened, supposedly starting in 1950 when I was ten, makes you at least eight years older than me, therefore unless you managed to sneak into the military when you were nine I am pretty sure I am the younger one. That is of course assuming that war really did happen. /s

Intel reportedly admitted to messing up regarding 911 and of course they failed to stop the Russian involvement in the last election, not that they haven't had some prior warnings but then who really cares about that little distraction. So no I don't trust trust them to do a good job, nor government to use whatever information they get from intel to do the right thing. I thought I made that clear above.

I watch some MSM channels in various countries, tune into a variety of sites that focus on world news, especially current events in Washington, and compare things reported with my understanding of right and wrong and stated positions contrasted with situations in the past that support or not the integrity of broadcaster.

My comments are based on that review and conclusion.

fred said...

I not only was in the Korean War, in 1950, but I was called back from a prior army enlistment in 1947. I turn 90 this coming August.I assume you know or can readily find out (1) how various intel reports messed up in the 9/11 debacle, not that they did not know things, and (2) how and why Obama became aware of Russian meddling in our elections and why he said or did little. More, I can assure you, will be forthcoming in the near future. A lot more.

Bob Huntley said...


I never doubted that you were in the Korean War and wasn't questioning it, hence the sarcastic /s indicator.

Apart from my long dissertation on the state of things, in short I believe and I think you will agree, there is a big difference between believing and knowing. I read something about a skid load of $100 bills disappearing in Iraq. You might say I believed it at the time, then when Obama confirmed it on Jay Leno's show, my mind decided that I now knew it.

The times ahead I believe are going to be very interesting. The other day my brother said "I am getting tired of living in interesting times".