Friday, February 22, 2019

Kremlin Accuses The U.S. Of Sending Special Forces To Venezuela

Russia has accused the US of using aid deliveries to Venezuela as a ploy to carry out military action against President Nicolas Maduro's government. It comes after a clip showed trucks trying to ram through a checkpoint in Mariara, northern Venezuela, as security forces loyal to Maduro stood in its path

Daily Mail/AFP: Moscow accuses Trump of sending special forces to Venezuela and calls push to deliver aid 'a convenient pretext for military action' as crisis approaches boiling point

* Kremlin accused US of deploying special forces and equipment near Venezuela
* Foreign Ministry said Washington was instigating a 'dangerous provocation'
* Comes as opposition leader Juan Guaido plans to bring in US aid tomorrow
* But Moscow says clashes could provide 'a convenient pretext for conducting military action'

Russia has accused the US of using aid deliveries to Venezuela as a ploy to carry out military action against President Nicolas Maduro's government.

The Kremlin's Foreign Ministry said America had deployed special forces and equipment near the South American nation and accused Washington of a 'dangerous provocation'.

Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova pointed to efforts by opposition leader Juan Guaido's planned bid tomorrow to pick up US aid being stockpiled on the Colombian border.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The Kremlin is on the wrong side of history n this one.

More News On Russia Accusing The U.S. Of Plotting to Overthrown Venezuelan President Maduro

US-run border ‘provocation’ to topple Maduro set for February 23, Moscow warns -- RT
US plans to buy weapons for Venezuelan opposition in Eastern Europe, warns diplomat -- TASS
US Transferring Special Troops, Weapons Close to Venezuela - Moscow -- Sputnik


Daniel said...

Wrong side morally or practically?

Practically, it's all up in the air, but I think Maduro can pull through.

Morally, while the status quo in Venezuela is disastrous, I do not believe that crashing the bus is going to help anyone. It will only make things worse, except, of course, for Guaido and the new elite, and maybe a few lucky others. So no, I think that we're narrowly and accidentally on the right side here.

Mike Feldhake said...

This is so simple; Maduro needs to go, any means necessary. Support Guaido and the US to get aid to the suffering people of Venezuela.

Anonymous said...

"any means necessary" implies sending in American forces...Is that acceptable to you?

B.Poster said...


Essentially you are spot on. There's really little that could be added except to say there is "morally right" and then there is "real politic." I think this is probably what you refer to as "practically."

As for "crashing the bus," I think it has already been crashed. This is in contrast with other situations where US intervention in marginally functionally states did make things worse. I'm not sure it can actually get worse for Venezuela than it is now. Of course it can get worse for the US and those who supported this effort.

That's what I predicted early on. Maduro would prevail and the end result would be the further expansion of Russian, Chinese, and allied influence throughout Central and South America. Hopefully I am wrong. Trump is a new variable in this and he has IMHO demonstrated a level of competence at times that past US leaders have lacked. Maybe this will be enough for this one to end differently than the last ones have.

With Maduro's forces closing the borders and with Russian, Chinese, and Cuban intelligence assets both human and electronic guarding the land, skies, and everything else in Venezuela I fail to see how exactly the US is going to get a team of special forces into Venezuela.

Mike Feldhake said...

Yes, limited campaign, and no nation building

Anonymous said...

"The Kremlin is on the wrong side of history n this one."

The White House is on the wrong side of international law on this one.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


What a crock of shit your post is. You just throw it out there and let it hang other than to express veiled, subtle and you think witty disapproval.

So let's cut down to the brass tacks. They were there to rob a bank and split the proceeds with their sponsors, corrupt Haitian officials.

There are not cutouts for the US. They have been out of the military 10 years up to 20 or 30 years. Anyone looking to make a quick buck illegally will fall back on their education and training (formal, professional or street). Former soldiers falling into a life in crime has been happening since the dawn of time. It happened during the age of sail, pirates, and it happened during the 100 Years War. Those are some of the most famous examples.

Of course we do not want the VA budget to grow, because the shit asses amongst us consider that part of the DoD budget and a big DoD budget is measured in big round number that lying fuck heads can barely pronounce much less calculate.

As an aside, never mind the the budget is based on the GDP ~ 4% or 5% and the QDR (a threat assessment). Nice countries like China, Russia, North Korea & Iran make threats (& carry them out) every day and every day nice people like Bob try to lie about it.

Little fuck heads do not understand the stressors nor the process of reintegration. Your average lib understands integration very well. They do the exact opposite. They spit on people.

The long and short of it is that some corrupt Haitians concocted this scheme. That is not news. What would be news is how they contacted these individuals. That way that route could be closed up. The conspirators would try another route, but in the meantime maybe they would settle for some former spetznatz, Maduro supporters or Cubans (or just plain gang bangers).

But on the downside you would be upset because you would not be pleased with yourself by not being able to go "Hmmmmmmm".

Anonymous said...

It was a lousily formatted article. Very hard to read.

Anonymous said...

Are one of the keyboard warriors here taking some time off from America bashing to shoot refugees fleeing their communist hell hole, I mean paradise, who are fleeing in order to eat and merely survive one more day?

Seems as though some of the perennial anti-American communist pollyannas miss all of the point the wall/gates test question each and every time.

I have an uncle. He went over a commie built wall. He was afraid to go back and visit relatives even with a legit Western passport. Well because Commu-tards are so-ever lawful. Funny thing is this uncle came to America. He was sponsored. He bitched incessantly about America. His sponsor said "If you hate it so much, then leave." The uncle did leave America. He was back in a year. My uncle got wiser.

Then we have the Bobs and Anons of the world, who bitch about America non-stop. Some of them seem a little too quiet. Are they part of some Venceramos Brigade in Venezuela shooting starving people, who have no privilege?

fred said...

I am one who bitches about America. There is nothing wrong with that. I am not the person who wants to silence the press if they badmouth me...I am proud to be left of center and yes, I have served my country. If you comment here as you do, then you too are now a keyboard warrior

Anonymous said...

Funny that you felt the need to come out of the woodwork and defend as if the comment was directed at you.

Guilty much?

"Then we have the Bobs and Anons of the world"

There is a saying "Praise in public and criticism in private". The is for supervisor subordinate relations or work relations. Now, obviously we cannot do this when it comes to a nation.

However people have pointed out that Hollywood is always quick to make yet another movie about how bad the the South was. The movie Green book was original? I think we got that after "Driving Miss Daisy".

Or maybe we got it before that in school. Well maybe not all of us. Some people come out of school ignorant of history or almost any useful knowledge like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Her utterances make it appear the the movie Idiocracy was prophecy. The Future Idiocracy is named in her honor. It is called the AOCene.

Hollywood, the liberal political establishment, and others seem intent on rubbing out noses in the stuff. It is flagellation. Like the flagellates of the Medieval Ages there can be ulterior political motives behind such a movement. That is to gain power.

There is a certain classy way of criticising the past. With the Left is is always about is that America was the worst all the time. Why would they do such a thing? For Power.

Take one country. they do not deny that they had slavery. They do not deny that slavery was bad. They can talk about the evils of slavery. Their country freed their slaves a whole generation after the United State did. What do they hang their hat on? They freed the slaves in a smart way, without a Civil Way a millions of deaths. Now if a person was to drop trow in a conversation and take a liberal dump in the punch bowl, they could say "But you guys were cowards by not ending slavery sooner even if it meant bloodshed." Such a person so saying would be pessoa non grata. They would also be inn fine liberal form.

This is what Liberals do every day in Hollywood College campuses and in politics, they drop trow and shit in the punch bowl with their Frankfurter school curriculum of identity politics and critical theory of this that and the other.

Be proud in what you do.

Joe blowes said...

coming of the drone

Joe blowes said...

Total onslaught

Anonymous said...


You, your teachers, the MSM, and your peers are responsible for you stupidity.

Also note that you did not address one thing I said about Hollyweird or the Cult of Criticizing America for Power & Personal Gain.

I realize your brief retort is not because you are short of brains. You just have so much to do with filling your brain with images of naked women. It is a wasted life, if you have not assiduously filled your brain with pictures of naked women for several decades straight.

Anonymous said...


At what point did the MSM stop lying to you?

The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses. The press is so powerful in its image-making role, it can make the criminal look like he’s a the victim and make the victim look like he’s the criminal. This is the press, an irresponsible press. It will make the criminal look like he’s the victim and make the victim look like he’s the criminal. If you aren’t careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.”

― Malcom X

fred said...

you stop read papers. you stop viewing tv. why? media lies. So then Braveheart where do you get news from?

Anonymous said...

Parrot gets his news straight from the idiots mouth, a guy at CNN called Wolfe Blitzed. Wolfie has been known to be a hack since 1991 (Gulf War).

Parrot is not a slow learner. Parrot has not learned in over 27 years.