Monday, February 25, 2019

Okinawans Vote Overwhelmingly Against Relocating U.S. Futenma Base To Henoko

The Guardian: Okinawa rejects new US military base but Abe likely to press on

Tokyo sees controversial plan for new base at Henoko as key to US security alliance

Voters on the southern Japanese island of Okinawa have rejected the controversial relocation of a US military base in a referendum, according to local media, but the result is likely to be ignored by the prime minister, Shinzo Abe.

Kyodo news agency said its projection based on exit polls indicated that more than a quarter of Okinawa’s 1.16 million eligible voters had opposed the plan: a threshold that requires the island’s governor, Denny Tamaki, to “respect” its outcome. The public broadcaster NHK said a majority of voters had come out against the move supported by the Japanese and US governments.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The vote was 70% against the base being relocated .... Over 70% of voters reject US base transfer in Okinawa referendum (Mainichi).

More News On Okinawa Voting Overwhelmingly Against Relocating The U.S. Futenma Base To Henoko

Japan to push ahead with U.S. base relocation despite Okinawa referendum result -- Reuters
More than 70% in Okinawa vote no to relocation of U.S. Futenma base to Henoko -- Japan Times
Japan's Okinawa votes against controversial US base move -- AFP
Japanese voters reject plans to move controversial US base -- DW
In Japan's Okinawa, voters deliver a resounding no to new U.S. military base -- The Washington Post
Okinawans reject US base transfer with large turnout -- Nikkei Asian Review


RussInSoCal said...

I'd really like to read some commentary by WNU on this one...

jimbrown said...

Theyll regret this if the Chicomms come.

Bob Huntley said...

I think the people of Okinawa are about to learn, and perhaps not for the first time, that voting in democracy can be the vaporware of capitalism.

Anonymous said...

Poor Bob, he does not know what capitalism is. Maybe the pud could pick up a copy of Foreign Affairs and learn about state controlled Capitalism (aka China).

But ya know that takes reading, a mind, etc.