Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Picture Of The Day

President Donald Trump delivers his State of the Union address. REUTERS/Jim Young

WNU Editor: The above picture is form this photo-gallery .... State of the Union (Reuters).


AZuLike said...

This just in, Fred and his ilk disapprove. Antitroll claims Amerixa bad and king whats his face, Communism good. Breaking news this just coming in. Donald Trump getting impeached. Mueller just found a collusion in the Russia investigation. Oh snaps xD

RussInSoCal said...

It was a great speech. Delivered with the Trumpian confidence/cadence progressive fascists find so infuriating.

Pelosi and her incessant cheek chewing. AOC and her pack of like minded White-clads - sitting on their hands, scowling and pouting throughout. The Dems gave the Repubs a string of campaign ads with their behavior tonight. Almost every line left them gobsmacked and seething. This speech went very well for President Trump. The Dems just looked juvenile and foolish.



fred said...

Yo! detractors, girly boys!
do not tell others what I think or would say since it is well beyond your IQ or pay grade.
Here the highlights of the speech and fact checking on each key item.....but Deplorables cling to donny's streaming off investigations? just like GOP and Hillary. Not going to happen
Now go forth and foam some more.You get no more from me on this topic

Anonymous said...

"You get no more from me on this topic."
Will you keep this promise or break it like every other one you've made?
You still need to work on your grammar which considering you're self proclaimed background is surprising poor.