Friday, February 22, 2019

Robert Mueller Won't Submit Report To Attorney General Next Week

CNBC: Robert Mueller won't submit report to attorney general next week, DOJ official tells NBC News

* Special counsel Robert Mueller will not deliver a report to the attorney general next week, as was previously reported by multiple outlets, a senior Department of Justice official told NBC News on Friday.
* Attorney General William Barr was preparing to announce the completion of Mueller's investigation into any links between President Donald Trump and Russia as soon as next week, CNN reported Wednesday. The outlet reported that those plans were subject to change.

Special counsel Robert Mueller will not deliver a report to the attorney general next week, as was previously reported by multiple outlets, a senior Department of Justice official told NBC News on Friday.

Attorney General William Barr was preparing to announce the completion of Mueller's investigation into any links between President Donald Trump and Russia as soon as next week, CNN reported Wednesday. The outlet reported that those plans were subject to change.

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WNU Editor:  If these reports are true, this report will be handed-in at the beginning of March, and the Mueller Counsel will end. The big question. Will it end with a bang or a whimper?


RussInSoCal said...

It'll be a years-long whimper. Leaks and innuendo in perpetuity. Just like right now. With bulging eyes.

/"Drip drip drip" into their adult Depends.

Anonymous said...

Trump’s Recovery in the Polls Isn’t Much to Celebrate

His approval ratings have bounced back from the trough of the shutdown, but they’re still among the lowest of any postwar president.

Anonymous said...

Trump's ratings are now higher than Obama's at the same time in his presidency. AND, this is despite a concerted effort to bring him down -- let that sink in. He WILL become one of the most popular presidents of all time, and, deservedly so, if he keeps fighting and delivering like he truly has dragon&tiger blood or something :D

Anonymous said...

DEMOCRAT Senator Leahy, AKA Leaky Leahy, AKA Senator Depends, was a leaker ... drip, drip, drip...

Rodger Ramster said...

It will end with an actual whimper, which the partisan press will try to turn into a roar through exaggeration and (dare I say) blatant falsehood.

B.Poster said...

Anon (7:10PM),

There may be some truth to what you post. The editor did make the same points you made a couple of weeks ago in his editor comments. With an approval rating of 52% or so in such a divided nation this would be impressive for anyone.

What this would tend to suggest is that the improvements experienced by the "main street" under Trump have been so vast that it's become harder for the media to wage a psy-ops campaign against them to get them to think and act against their own and tbeir families' best interest. Of course if one is a government bureaucrat, university professor, retired government bureaucrat, or retired university professor they have always done well regardless how the overall economy does and they have always lorded it over the so called "riff-raff" and the "deplorables" as HRC called them. These "riff-raff" and "deplorables" have continually been beaten down and abused by this class. Under DJT their lives have improved and they've been afforded a voice they never had before.

In the Houston area where I live, the populace consists heavily of entrepreneurs, small business owners, small business managers, inventors, and those generally wishing to advance the interests of society as opposed to leeches wishing to drain others and/or lord over them. Such people are well positioned to prosper under the DJT approach of reducing the tax and regulatory burdens that have been placed on them and would have continued and probably gotten worse had HRC been elected.

The afore mentioned group of leeches is threatened by DJT hence they must act to try and undermine and destroy him and his associates by hook, crook, and any and allmeans necessary. To such people anything goes. No lies or deceit are pff limits. The number of good people who have been undermined and perhaps destroyed in this witch hunt against DJT and the value they would have/could have added to America and the world is incalculable. This is indeed a dark stain on our history and a deep loss to the world. It will take a very, very long time, perhaps genetations for the world and American citizens to recover from this. Eventually humanity will recover.

Roger Smith said...

Anon 7:10PM,

Change the broken record. I know it's difficult to replace broken records these days. Expensive also as most recordings nowadays are found in thrift stores or antique shops. You might even run across your hero. Just look for a seemingly self-propelled empty suit.
But should you be so fortunate as to find a replacement recording, get rid of your hand cranked Victrola. They are a heavy tracker and wear those no longer produced [for good reason] records of your hero reading from his teleprompter out in a short while.

Anonymous said...

Sure, Roger. I'll start watching cnn. They tell the truth

Anonymous said...

Anon, the laughing one
CNN was ok till Trump said it was not. And now you too say it is no good.
When he tells you you are dope, you will agree, doubtless

Anonymous said...

Call me old fashioned, but I do not know what the report will say and so I don't make a fool of myself by saying in advance what it will or will not say. I will wait until the report made available.

Anonymous said...

When have you ever waited? Lol, making a fool out of yourself is one of your specialties.

fred said...

ah, nameless one. Must continue to be Trumpian insulting person sans anything to add to content...keep it up, girly boy

Mike Feldhake said...

Polls and Ratings, what a joke!! Those instruments are so bad, they only provide you guys political folly.

Mr Good said...

Average tax refund down 17 percent, IRS reports
Cohen Gave Prosecutors New Information on the Trump Family Business
Politicians in Japan 'embarrassed' by Trump's Nobel Peace Prize claims

Anonymous said...

Again, you prove my point.

fred said...

you have no point. Only venomous tongue

fred said...

Ex-Trump campaign official calls president ‘un-American’ and says his supporters ‘have been taken for fools’
Kushner Companies Seek Federal Financing For $1.15B Apartment Portfolio Purchase

Anonymous said...

I am having a conversation with a sanctimonious liar, name dropper, an accuser of others of behavior of yourself, and above all just a fool
All of this is not venomous, but unfortunately the truth, something you're completely unfamiliar with.

AZuLike said...

The only fool here is you my dude. Azino owned you from the start.

fred said...

Are you talking to yourself, girly boy?

fred said...

Source: Trump Won't Condemn Self-Proclaimed White Nationalist Christopher Hasson Because "Those Are His People," Ex-RNC Chair Says
Source: Mitch McConnell's silent about coal while Kentucky miners die

PHreD said...

NRA facing heat after publishing "Target Practice" magazine headline next to picture of Pelosi, Giffords
America Is a Socialist Country For The Rich.
Health Care and Insurance Industries Mobilize to Kill ‘Medicare for All’

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Actually no. I faded cnn out about 4 years ago. Until then I was a lemming, just like u

fred said...


Anonymous said...


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fred said...


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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I knew I would find Fred here. Wow, he has not changed, never will change and will stay stuck on stupid.

pee wee herman said...

I know you are but what am I?