Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Russian Media Is All 'Doom And Gloom' With The End Of The INF Treaty

Business Insider: Russian media threatens US with 100-megaton nuclear doomsday device after key arms treaty fails

* Russia's military and state-sponsored media have reacted to the news that the US will exit the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty with a fire and fury of their own, threatening to deploy a nuclear "doomsday device."
* The US found Russia in violation of a key arms treaty, so the US scrapped the treaty and announced it would create its own formerly banned weapons.
* Russia responded by saying it would build its own new nukes in retaliation, and its state-controlled media said nuclear war was now more likely.
* Russian media also floated the possibility of sailing an underwater nuclear doomsday device to the US's coast. Experts say this is perhaps the most dangerous weapon ever built.

Russia's military and state-sponsored media have reacted with a fire and fury of their own to the news that the US will exit the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF Treaty), one of the last barriers preventing a full-on Cold War-like arms race in Europe — and there's already talk of a nuclear doomsday device visiting the US.

The INF Treaty banned land-based nuclear-capable missiles with a range between 300 and 3,200 miles in 1987 when Russia and the US had populated much of Europe with intermediate-range nuclear missiles. The ban eliminated this entire class of missiles and went down as one of the most successful acts of arms control ever.

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WNU Editor: The above BBC review of Russian newspapers mirrors what their websites are saying. Russian media is well known to paint a "dark picture" on current events, but they are now reaching new levels of "doom and gloom" since the termination of the INF treat that I have seen for a long time.


RussInSoCal said...

I can say that we Americans aren't necessarily over concerned with the INF treaty. It was apparent that Russia was violating it. The Soviets never honored a treaty in their lives. /And we were all shocked, SHOCKED to find that Russia might violate a nuke treaty.

And I'd hazard a guess that the average Russian is at an equal level of concern about the INF. Which is to say not much.

Daniel said...

You would be right. The only two people I heard bringing it up promptly moved on to other topics.

Anonymous said...

Russian men, who control Russia, are a very smart yet gloomy bunch. They create danger and war coming hysteria and then believe their own tripe. What makes them dangerous is they might have to make good on their baloney propaganda. At least during the cold war there were powerful organs that could offset morons who thought the correlation of forces would result in USSR victories without turning the world to ash. Seems current leadership is a one man band. Might not have to worry about global warming, Quebec chalets or off Red Square apartments should Putin push too far.

Anonymous said...

The first thing one is taught in international history by area specialists is that the other guy likely does not think as you do. How could Stalin be a hero while butchering his people? Why do Russians prefer dictators and autocrats to democracy? By your standards they are out of their minds. By their paranoid standards they are protecting their country by laying waste to any perceived aggressor and, if necessary, the planet.