Monday, February 4, 2019

Russian Navy Has A New Weapon That Makes The Enemy Hallucinate And Vomit

© Alexei Danichev / Spuntik / Ruselectronics

RT: Russian Navy gets new weapon to induce ‘hallucinations’ and ‘blind’ the enemy

A new weapon installed on Russian warships can make enemy soldiers miss targets by blinding them, while also causing hallucinations and making them want to vomit.

Two Russian frigates were fitted with the new non-lethal dazzler-type weapon, the 5P-42 Filin (eagle-owl), the manufacturer’s representative told RIA Novosti. The weapon is designed to temporarily blind the enemy.

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More News On Reports That The Russian Navy Has A New Weapon That Makes The Enemy Hallucinate And Vomit

Russian Navy has new weapon that makes targets hallucinate, vomit: report -- The Hill
Filin: Russian Navy Unveils New Weapon That Makes Enemy Hallucinate, Vomit -- Newsweek
New Russian weapon ‘makes enemies want to vomit’ -- 9News
Russian Navy receives new weapon that blinds and disorients enemy -- Pravda
Russian navy unveils sinister new weapon that makes enemies hallucinate and vomit by dazzling them with light beams -- The SUN
Russia to equip 2 frigates with visual-optical blinding stations -- Navy Recognition


RussInSoCal said...

/weopanizing the shirtless pics of Vladimir?

Anonymous said...

Lame and late!
CNN is using that technology for years already. Just watching Don Le.. ughhh I can't. Gotta go to the bathrooo.. ...*runs*...*muffled puking sounds to CNN's breaking news sound and panel discussion of idiotic look alikes and think alikes*

Anonymous said...

stay with Fox and feel at home

Anonymous said...

It's called vodka, and mysteriously it keeps disappearing from the ships munitions storage areas.