Saturday, February 16, 2019

The U.S. Navy Has Dozens More MH-60R Helicopters Than It Needs

An MH-60R flies in front of the first-in-its-subclass USS Freedom. USN

Warzone/The Drive: The Navy Has Dozens More MH-60R Helicopters Than It Needs Due To LCS Debacle

The service blew over a billion dollars on choppers it might never have a use for and is spending even more to keep them sitting in storage.

Problems with the Littoral Combat Ship program and basic lack of communication between Navy bureaucrats have left the service paying millions of dollars to store dozens of Sikorsky MH-60R helicopters it has no immediate need for. The service has tried to offer a silver lining by saying it will now use the excess choppers to help extend the service life of the two fleets overall by spacing out flight hours across more airframes, but it's not clear how much money it will actually recoup in the process.

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WNU editor: Another example where the left hand not knowing what the right hand was doing.


Anonymous said...

Those choppers are assets to any fleet.
In a real combat situation you are going to loss choppers but they doesn't take away from their effectiveness. The Senate need to get over this "must be active" idea, its better to have and not need then to need and not have. More so when we are talking about Naval dominance.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 7:09.

Then these is this
"The Senate need to get over this "must be active" idea, "

Every agency spends all of its money every year regardless if circumstance change. This is what 'parsimonious' politicians have taught the agencies.

Agencies spend money in deleterious ways. they have to hit the nail on the head otherwise they get their budget cut or they go to jail. So they spend money at the end of the year on things that they may not need this year but in 2 or 3 years time like office furniture. No one can go over budget except for Congress (the opposite of Progress).

Anonymous said...

Why not talk about where the Russians overspend?