Friday, February 8, 2019

The U.S. Navy's Chief Of Naval Operations Admits That The Electromagnetic Railgun Project Is A Mess

A prototype of the Navy's electromagnetic railgun(DoD photo)

Task & Purpose: The Navy's top officer just admitted the much-hyped electromagnetic railgun is a big mess

Less than a year after declaring the U.S. Navy "fully invested" in the service's much-hyped electromagnetic railgun, Chief of Naval Operations Adm. John Richardson is apparently experiencing some buyer's remorse over the $500 million supergun's troubled development.

Appearing before an audience at the Atlantic Council on Thursday, Richardson characterized the decade-old weapons system — capable of accelerating a projectile to hypersonic speeds but stuck in research and development limbo without a ship-board tactical demonstrator — as "the case study that would say, 'This is how innovation maybe shouldn't happen.'"

Read more ....

Update: ‘Case Study’ In How Not to Innovate: US Admiral on Electromagnetic Rail Gun (Sputnik)

WNU Editor: The Chinese electromagnetic railgun project appears to be progressing .... China just tested the world's most powerful naval gun, and US intelligence says it will be ready for warfare by 2025 (CNBC).


Anonymous said...

As far as i can tell, everything in the US Navy is a mess. There is about a decade of political favoritism towards equality inwhich has resulted in a total disrepair of the fleet. I mean 18 year olds are expected to communicate effectively with the opposite sexes in confined quarters. Chain of command may go down, but "grips" need to go up and shits just not getting done. There is what can only be described as cannibalism in the top ranks with slander and lies used to get ahead. For fuck sake, sort your shit out, if war broke out the US command will not be in charge, ill tell you that! Other countries wont stand for incompetence from a foreign commander.

Anonymous said...

This is where Trump is needed next, cleaning up the pentagon and all these messy weapon systems. It gets extremely embarrassing, and perhaps dangerous, to fall behind in not only electromagnetic weaponry, but also in the hyper-missile race, and on top the f-35 is a mess still? So there is a good chance that the US will lose air supremacy very soon, and - considering that the US spends so much more - it is extremely unfortunate. And then we also have people like Eric Prince (former black water ceo, now basically ceo of the next mercenary enterprise) is talking to China. So it's not just the weapon systems, but also warfare conducting experience that is lost out to China - it is really getting fing urgent now to get this mess under control and confidently push back to number #1 in all areas.

Bob Huntley said...

Why waste time and money on new traditional type weaponry when there is a wonderful stockpile of nukes that will even things up in a matter of minutes other than of course to enrich the lifestyles of the elite, the WIC, until the day of doom arrives?

The country with the most and best underground cities for people, probably the elite, and of course food production facilities no doubt will emerge, perhaps two centuries down the road, maybe,the winner.

Perhaps underground tunneling equipment is the way of the future.

Anonymous said...

Bob, have you solved world hunger yet?

Bob Huntley said...


I would think China will be looking to expand their participation in various conflagrations around the world in an effort to gain on the ground experience. Africa would be in that mix for sure.

B.Poster said...

Anons (1:27, & 10:22),

I couldn't have put this any better myself. I've been pointing out this sort of thing for quite awhile on this site and elsewhere.

Not only will foreign countries not tolerate the stupid incompetence that makes up US military and much of the political leadership Americans will not either. These kind of things place our people in grave danger.

Someone is definitely "needed" to clean up the Pentagon and the US military leadership. Is Trump up to this? He stood up to general Mattis, definitely an encouraging sign. Then again while Trump's State of the Union was fairly good, his ridiculous statement saying the US military is by far and away the best in the world is not only questionable at best but didn't even need to be there. This causes me to question whether he has it in him to stand up to the military leadership.

B.Poster said...


"Combat experience" is a problem. The men, women, and equipment of the US military have been worn down from repeated overuse. As a result, training, leadership, morale, and readiness have greatly suffered. Additionally the equipment is in poor shape as well. To make matters worse funds that should have been spent to address these issues have been misallocated on things such as the F-35 just to name one.

Anonymous said...

Please re-read my comment. It's about Eric Prince considering to train and advice China. He is basically a warlord who got rich and experienced through US warfare. My point is a greater one: the US is more experienced in warfare,true, but the freedom of its system is also its Achilles heel. And you see this in mercenaries being able to sell US knowledge on how to conduct warfare to China. On top, Prince is exploring to have his standing army of US trained ex soldiers work for China!! The US spends on average 100k for the training and education of a typical US soldier. More so for special forces ofc. This is tax payer money. This is like brain drain on the academic world, but happening in the ex soldiers/warfare world. And we should have an urgent and conclusive discussion on how far we let the Eric Prince's of this world go. In my book he's getting very close to becoming a traitor.

Anonymous said...

Bposter trump sees himself also as marketer/chief brand cheerleader for the US. That's why he says certain things. He knows that war can be avoided if the other side believes you're too powerful to mess with. He's actually very much a family man who likes to avoid bloodshed. But also, I do believe that of he gets crossed by any foreign head of state - especially if it shifts public opinion to him being soft or weak - that he'll hit that other guy (eg Kim Jong Un who night not live to the end of the year if he keeps following the Chinese guide book).

Anonymous said...

Just one more thing on combat experience: China pushes for AI controlled large warfare systems. The warfare experience of humans will soon be hopelessly outdated, and the US military and darpa are just too sleepy eyed imo. all darpa projects sound like they're stuck in the 90s. They are falling behind and it's embarrassing to watch... and why? Because we fight over if Trump fed a porn star or did xyz instead of working together to address these issues. It's incredibly important to national security but Congress can't get its act together on anything. So while these decisions take 2 weeks in China, they take (just the decision making) years in the US now. Where is the spending for AI? Trump should get on this yesterday. And double china's spending. Just double it whatever they put up. You can do it and it's a force and economy growth multiplier like nothing else too.