Friday, February 22, 2019

Trump, Xi Summit Being Discussed For Late March At Mar-a-Lago

© REUTERS/ Carlos Barria

CNBC: Trump, Xi summit being discussed for late March as China commits to buying $1.2 trillion in US goods

* The United States and China are discussing a late March meeting between President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping, according to sources.
* CNBC sources also confirmed that China has committed to buying up to $1.2 trillion in U.S. goods.
* The two sides remain far apart on certain issues including the forced transfer of technology and intellectual property.

The United States and China are discussing a late March meeting between President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping in Florida, according to sources familiar with the situation.

Sources also confirmed to CNBC that China has committed to buying up to $1.2 trillion in U.S. goods, though the two sides remain far apart on issues concerning the forced transfer of intellectual property.

The summit would be at Trump's Mar-a-Lago golf club in Palm Beach, Florida.

Representatives for the two nations resumed overall trade discussions on Tuesday, and follow-up sessions at a higher level began Thursday.

Read more ....

WNU editor: President Trump is meeting China's top negotiator today .... China’s top trade negotiator Liu He to meet Donald Trump on Friday (SCMP).


Anonymous said...

1.2 trillion is a good start, but perhaps only 10% or less of what they owe us.
Having said that - without DJT - those 1,200,000,000 would be gone. Let that sink in. Not Obama, not Bush, nor Clinton did that. DJT did.

B.Poster said...

"1.2 trillion is a good start..." Agreed!! This wouldn't have happened under Clinton or Sanders. The Chinese fear Trump. They do not fear Sanders, Clinton, or any other US leader.

As for Putin, Richard Fernandez at pjmedia has an interesting thesis on why he might help Trump IF he did so. Why would Russia help Trump whose policies so obviously are hostile to Russia as opposed to the easily manipulated and compliant Clinton? His answer is that Putin recognizes that China is the biggest mid to long range threat to Russia and not America and the so called "west." As such, he wants and needs a strong America!! To this end, Trump would be his best bet!!

What isn't mentioned is the problems America has means America's continued existence beyond the next five to ten years is problematic at best. With the internal strife and external enemies arrayed against it there seems very little chance of America's continued existence for an extended period of time.

An Islamic terrorist attack against America involving the use of suitcase nuclear weapons and/or dirty bombs against America is the most likely threat against us. Tens of millions of our people could die, perhaps more. US (un)-intelligence cannot help us. P!ssing off major world powers AND for no good reason makes matters worse.

DJT had a summit with Putin. We had a chance to improve relations with Russia. Hopefully its not to late. I'm pretty sure the mothers of such people who sought to exacerbate Cold War 2 will one day regret giving birth to their children.

Roger Smith said...

I expect Putin is on his last legal term as leader of Russia. In Russia I think his generation and mindset are becoming increasingly unpopular as younger people don't appear to be embracing his cold war ways. The internet is considerably more attractive.

As for those nuclear suitcase types, Poster, that's a lot of suitcases. Granted the nuts to carry them are there, but quite a few are occupied with the virgins these days having messed with the wrong militaries in the last 15 years or so.

Anonymous said...

Poster: ever find anything bad to say about Russia and Putin? NO. Why not?

Mike Feldhake said...

We need to stay the course! Tech Xfr and IP and very important to solve. I hope we don't get weak knee'd

B.Poster said...


IMHO the most likely threats to America are as follows: 1.)an attack on the American mainland involving the use of multiple suitcase nuclear weapons and perhaps other so called "dirty bombs" detonated simultaneously across multiple metropolitan areas by Is Islamic terrorists. 2.) An all out nuclear attack by Russia. Due to the close proximity of the Russian arsrbal, the highly advanced nature of it, and the combination of cyber attacks that are likely to be launched against us
in coordination with the nuclear attack will make a counter attack on our part problematic at best. 3.)An invasion of the US nainland by Russia, China, Russia and China, or Russia, China, and some combination of their allies.

While scenario 1 is more likely, scenario 2 is the most dangerous. With that said I could be overestimating this. This us in contrast to our leadership, who tends to overestimate our abilities while underestimating those of adversaries and potential adversaries.

IMHO all foreign policy needs to be conducted based upon the three main threats. Does a given policy help mitigate a threat or does it exacerbate it? With regards to scenario 3 our military isn't properly deployed to afford us the best opportunity to mitigate against it.

B.Poster said...

Anon (10:42),

You ask if I have ever criticized Russia and Putin. Russian culture like all cultures and Putin like all men has flaws. In Putin's case, he seems intensely paranoid. I think I've probably discussed that elsewhere on this website.

Depending upon which Year's Forbes list of world's most powerful people we consult Putin is either the most powerful or second most powerful oerson in the world. Publicly dressing down such powerful people is unlikely to be a good idea. Refraining from such things has been referred to as "statesmanship."

Just a carpenter. said...

The Demonrats are so Anti-American, they literally have no idea what

Just a carpenter. said...

Is fueling President Trumps Popularity

Just a carpenter. said...

The "polls" don't guage the anger Patriots feel towards the Perversion that is being forced upon us by the left. I believe 2020 will be a landslide, the Dems live in an echo chamber and rely on polls that I nor anyone I know has ever taken part in..

Anonymous said...

You live in Texas but you are a statesman so imprudent to be critical of Putin? you are full of shit. I can be critical of Putin, Trump, Obama, Hillary, etc and in a democracy not be "a statesman." Putin not getting rubles worth from you

B.Poster said...

I was critical of Putin. As I poubed,out, he,is extremely paranoid. In a leader, such qualities generally aren't good in a, eader. It helps to read to read the posts before hurling insults or making accusations.

B.Poster said...

I apologize for the grammatical errors. I'm visually impaired and don't generally post using this device.

Anonymous said...

I hope so. What really ticks me off is the left's race card, sex card and other baiting they do to paint republicans as evil.

just look at the recent media cases rippling throughout the nation. All repulsive acts by the left and the left media barely reports on it. It's so wrong and repulsive I don't think I'll ever vote Democrat again.