Saturday, February 9, 2019

Tweets For Today


RussInSoCal said...

I only once have actually seen an A-10 in flight. It was at NAS Oceana, VA when a squadron visited and did some training there. (circa 1988) Stayed for a week or so. Their low alt/low speed maneuverability is like nothing you've ever seen. Distinctive sound. They use the same engines as the old Navy S-3 Viking. The engines have a signature "woo-HOOP" sound. But quiet. Called them Hoovers. (the S-3)

Bob Huntley said...

Ah so the way to peace is through increased bombing. If things were different in say 50 years and America was invaded would Americans respond to increased bombing? If not, why would they think others would? I wonder if there a peace agreement will it include the exclusion of the Pashtun population from voting as was done before?

Anonymous said...


We will will give you a sharpened tooth brush with which to fight ISIS, Al Shabab and all the other misogynists that terrorize women.

So no bombs. Just you and your toothbrush. We don't want any collateral damage. Not their mother who has their back or their son who they are teaching jihad to.

Anonymous said...


Bob Huntley said...


I know being a member of a world terrorist organization like America is a bitch to defend, but try just telling your government to stop creating/supporting terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda, ISIS and God only knows who else and a just maybe a toothbrush will be all you will need to defend your country.

Do you actually have a comment to counter what I posted or does the truth hurt too much to try to mount a defense so you just create garbage?

Try reading JFK's quote about people/countries dying 'but ideas ........' and realize that his comment also applies to other people's beliefs, lifestyles and ideas, although as history has shown, being the President of the USA I doubt he sincerely believed what he was saying.

Anonymous said...

"I know being a member of a world terrorist organization like America is a bitch to defend, but"

No actually it is not. I did not have to defend it at all with my communist foreign born spouse.

I had to defend my European ancestry lightly, but that was not a serious attack. It was a spoiling attack by my hosts 1/2 in jest defending their countries communist past.

Charlie Wilson's War by George Crile
Operation Dark Heart by Lt Col Anthony Shaffer
The Looming Tower by Lawrence Wright
Ghost Wars by Steve Coll

My Next book will be Directorate S.

I know a fucktard such as yourself cannot believe that Directorate S exists, because you know with certitude that the CIA is the only actor on the world stage in your 1 dimensional reality.

Dude, I do not know if you are really names Bob Huntley and are Left Wing Canadian or a foreign government troll. It is like a Turing test. It doesn't matter. There is literally no difference between you and the garbage the GRU or the Iranians put out. None.

So you are not changing my mind nor many if any of the people here.

So go on spinning you lies about your career (retired blue collar or retired white collar) or your marital status (divorced or separated). Does anyone really believe your basic bullshit?

The only one, who has to defend anything is you.

Bob Huntley said...

Being a member of the world's greatest terrorist group or defending it, same thing. It must be really difficult being you or even being married to you, if you are actually married which I doubt. I see your writing skill is a bit better when you write under your alter ego.

Anonymous said...

Good, you are devolving.