Monday, February 25, 2019

U.S. Special Forces To Now Focus On Russia And China

Armed men in uniform identified by Syrian Democratic forces as US special operations forces are seen in the village of Fatisah in the northern Syrian province of Raqa on May 25, 2016. © Delil Souleiman / AFP

Washington Times: EXCLUSIVE: Special ops to turn focus from war on terror to China, Russia

Will be taking a larger role in cyberwarfare, information and 'influence' operations, sources say

America’s elite special operations forces are getting new marching orders as the Pentagon moves away from its post-9/11 focus on radical terrorist groups and trains its eye on big-power rivals such as China and Russia.

In a major shift of mission, officials at U.S. Special Operations Command are drafting new guidance to reorient its cadre of top-tier military units to fight the expanding armies and navies of what U.S. strategists call “near-peer” powers.

Under the guidance, which is still pending approval by command chief Gen. Raymond A. Thomas III, U.S. special operations fighters will be taking a larger role in cyberwarfare, information and “influence” — digital age propaganda — operations, sources say, as well as training allies in the new skills.

“It is fair to say you will see a rebranding of special operations forces,” Andrew Knaggs, deputy assistant secretary of defense for special operations and combating terrorism, said earlier this month. “Our problems will not be addressed through conventional deterrence alone.”

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The U.S. is late to the "game". Russia and China have been focused on the U.S. for a long time .... China and Russia strengthening relationship in bid to thwart US dominance (Matthew Carney, ABC News Online).


Anonymous said...

Keep in mind that the US was "distracted" by 9/11 after which Rumsfeld decided to switch to light armor units and counter terror strategy (as opposed to big wars/state opponents he was focusing on terror cells which required a different skill set and hundreds of not thousands of simultaneously deployed urban warfare units etc

So all said, China and Russia were lucky to not have had such a massive terror attack on their soil with thousands of civilians killed and trillions wiped out in one day!

Considering how China behaves towards Muslims I wouldn't be surprised if they are a big target. .but. ..aS the leftist Media landscape keeps attacking America, and paints it as a racist, mean, bsd country - which it absolutely isn't - state aggressors like china and their actions are largely are ignored. A Trump tweet about the border wall is covered 60,000 times a day, china throwing a million Muslims into concentration camps was mentioned only a handful times on cnn.

It is this selective, truth distorting behaviour on the left that really gives me goosebumps. They control newly 90% of global western influenced news. Almost none are reporting on China. It is dead serious time for Americans to demand that these networks report more fairly and stop painting half of America as evil while giving such brutal human rights violations a pass. But the types of Don Lemon who wish to race bait you, is a reflection of today's times. Instant outrage is effortless and you will always find a consumer and sponsor of your acts.

Mike Feldhake said...

To get what you want >> Distort the truth to convince people your right. See it all too often in my personal and professional life. We have lost the idea of due process and critical thinking in the US.

Anonymous said...

grow up

Anonymous said...

9/11 was a blessing to both China and Russia as it gave them the space to narrow the capabilities gap with the USA. Entirely predictable at the time. They couldn't have found a better agent to advance Beijings and Moscows interest than ObL.

Anonymous said...

9/11 took place when Bush was president...give it up anon and deal with reality

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Smollett said...

U.S. asked Russia for advice before Trump-Kim summit

Smollett said...

Source: Kamala Harris hits Trump on Fourth of July tweet: 'It’s America’s birthday, not his birthday' | TheHill
Source: New Report: Trump Appears to Have Committed Multiple Crimes - CREW
Source: China's Chief Negotiator Literally Laughs In Donald Trump's Face During Trade Talk

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Smollett said...

After Putin's warning, Russian TV lists nuclear targets in U.S.
Source: Group Of Former Republican Lawmakers Urge GOP To Terminate Emergency Declaration – Talking Points Memo

Anonymous said...


Smollett said...

Source: Fmr GOP Lawmakers Push Resistance to Trump Declaration | Law & Crime

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Leave Bob Alone: Trump’s Heart Bursting with Sympathy After Prostitute Sting
The president is “very sad” about charges filed against Patriots owner Robert Kraft, who he wants you to know has denied everything.

Smollett said...

Source: Trump's student and work visa policies push legal immigrants to Canada
Source: On August 2, 2016, Paul Manafort Gave Konstantin Kilimnik 75 Pages of Recent, Detailed Polling Data | emptywheel

Anonymous said...


Smollett said...

Evidence of Human-Caused Climate Crisis Has Now Reached 'Gold Standard'-Level Certainty, Scientists Say

"There's a one-in-a-million chance humans are NOT warming the planet."

Santi Claws said...

Source: The elusive Russian operative who could be crucial to Mueller's investigation into Trump

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

2/ Trump asked his outside legal team to stay on after the Mueller probe ends to help with the Southern District of New York investigation, which Trump's close allies consider a far graver threat than Mueller. Trump Jr., meanwhile, dismissed both the Mueller investigation and the Southern District of New York probe, claiming that Trump, the Trump Organization, and the Trump family "don't appear all that worried, because we know there's nothing there." Separately, the Trump Organization asked the House Judiciary Committee to stop its investigations related to the company, claiming a conflict of interest because the panel hired a lawyer whose firm once represented Trump's company. (Daily Beast / Fox News / Washington Post)

House Democrats are planning to investigate Trump's personal finances to discover why Deutsche Bank was willing to lend to the Trump Organization when other banks wouldn't, and whether Russia was involved. (Politico)

The House Intelligence Committee will subpoena the special counsel's final report and compel Mueller to testify if the full report is not given to Congress. During his confirmation hearing last month, William Barr said he would "provide as much transparency as I can consistent with the law" when it comes to releasing the Mueller report. "We will obviously subpoena the report," Adam Schiff said. "We will bring Bob Mueller in to testify before Congress; we will take it to court if necessary. And in the end, I think the (Justice) Department understands they’re going to have to make this public." (ABC News / Reuters / Politico / Washington Post)

Michael Cohen will be questioned by the House Oversight Committee on Wednesday. Cohen will not be questioned about Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election or about possible coordination between the Trump campaign and Russia, but he is expected to be questioned about Trump's "debts and payments relating to efforts to influence the 2016 election" and his "compliance with campaign finance laws." (Washington Post / NBC News)

Anonymous said...

Jamie Gorelick or is it Gore-lick forbade the FBI and CIA from sharing information and thus connecting the dots.

In 1995 Al Qaeda tried to down 10 planes over the Pacific. A dirty power grid and poor electronic maintenance procedures caused a fire that uncovered the plot, The Bojinka Plot.
So after 1995 when serial sexual assaulter Bill Clinton has a chance to kill Osama, he passed.


When Bill Clinton has the duty to pass the watch to George Bush he fritters away 1/2 the time and then steals the towels and everything el;se not nailed down like he was a bad guest at a Motel 6.

Operation Darkheart? Shutdown by heartless Democrats. They did not want to connect the dots.

Anonymous said...

A parrot called smollett

Anon #1 must have pushed parrot's buttons, because he is ferociously defending the cut the Defense budget / wipe out the CIA Democrats.

Anonymous said...


fred said...


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fred said...


fred said...


Anonymous said...
