Sunday, February 17, 2019

What Is More Important. Repairing The U.S. Military Or Worrying About The National Debt?

U.S. President Donald Trump delivers remarks regarding the Administration's National Security Strategy at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center in Washington D.C., U.S. December 18, 2017. REUTERS/Joshua RobertsReuters

CNBC: Trump: I have to 'straighten out' the military before worrying about the $22 trillion debt

* President Donald Trump said he has to "straighten out" the "depleted" military before worrying about the national debt.
* Total public debt outstanding crossed $22 trillion for the first time this week, more than $2 trillion of which has come on Trump's watch.

President Donald Trump promised to eliminate the national debt during his campaign, but he said Friday that building up the military is more important.

Total public debt outstanding topped $22 trillion earlier this week, with nearly $2.1 trillion coming under Trump's watch.

When touting his plans to stimulate the economy, Trump insisted that the growth — which would come from tax cuts, less regulation and greater infrastructure spending — would offset debt and eventually eliminate the national IOU. However, Congressional Budget Office projections indicate that the budget deficit will only grow in the years ahead, pushing the debt ever higher and eventually reaching about 150 percent of GDP in the next 30 years.

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WNU Editor: I think both are important. But right now I do not see Congress having any interest in slowing down it's growth in spending or stabilizing the national debt, on the contrary, their addiction to spending is increasing.


Anonymous said...

The collar counties of DC are in the top 10 richest in the land. Too many of the Congress critters live in gated communities, walled compounds, etc. Obama vacationed in The Hamptons and said the jobs are not coming back. These people would be as happy with a rump state as Roman patricians were happy with the rump state of Soissons. After the patricians lost the rump state they were still happy. They were part of the new feudal nobility. They went down a rung or two but they were still players. The crappers in Congress are no different.

Anonymous said...

Well we get into a chicken/egg problem. Without a military a debt problem is meaningless, but can you pay for an effective military with a debt problem? Either way may be moot at this point, we have a debt.

Anonymous said...

Devilcrats got to keep importing people with low IQ who need many goods and services provided by the government at taxpayer expense so that we never get out of debt.

Nancy, Schumer and Dem voters want someone with a lower IQ than theirs (IQ=69), It makes them look smart by comparison.

Anonymous said...

Anti-Democrat anons here as usual have cliche Deplorable remarks. Time to grow up and deal with the posted article instead of your hangups

Anonymous said...

You're back. How are those dinner parties with your "friends" going?

Mike Feldhake said...

Both are important but if you focus on the economy and fix trade imbalances, fix the regulations and other things than the income will help offset the debt; BTW Trump is doing all this and doing it well. So, strategic logic states you should make sure we're in a strong position to protect the above rights else it's in vain.

Anonymous said...

"Anti-Democrat anons here as usual have cliche Deplorable remarks."

A.) So you do not deny that the Dems import people with low IQ, because you said not one thing to refute it.

B.) Mandatory social spending is a large cause of government debt. So discussing the disgusting Democrat habit of importing people because something bad is happening somewhere in the world is a major problem.

Pro-tip. Something bad is always happening somewhere in the world.

Are Democrats proposing to put them all on welfare with out getting the gumption to say so?

5 million Latin Americans want to come here given their economic grade level, they will need welfare can we afford it? Can we afford 50 million.

Where does the asscrat party want to draw the line.

I do not want to hear your whining and moaning about how anti-Democrat this is. I do not give a ____. You hear many Republican bitch about RINOS, country clubs etc. They bitch about the majority of their political leaders. There is no love for Cantor, Boehner (pronounced Boner), Paul Ryan et al. Republican leadership is full of warts. It just that the Democrat Party has no redeeming features. NONE!

The Dems are as honest as Jussie Smollett and that is giving them the benefit of the doubt.

Anonymous said...

"And ignorance, while it may or may not be bliss, is dangerous. No, this isn’t the only problem with Congress. Dozens of them are crooks or cowards; they’re on the payroll of foreign powers, or are cynically setting themselves up for cushy post-congressional careers as lobbyists, or care only about being re-elected and will turn in whichever direction the wind blow..."

Bob Huntley said...

"Obama vacationed in The Hamptons and said the jobs are not coming back."

As a matter of interest Obama learned that truth from Steve Jobs while attending a conference. Regarding China and the production of electronic products Obama asked Jobs, more or less, 'How will we get those jobs back'.

Anonymous said...

Once the Foxconn plant gets built there is a path forward except for cheapskate Lefties who do not want to pay their fellow man a living wage.

Anonymous said...

Foxconn broke ground last June

You can weep now Bob.

Jac said...

Of course debt is extremely important, but what about our life, our freedom, our love? For saving all of that we have to make sacrifice ( I'm not rich at all). China throw the gloves in 2015...we have little choice than lift up the glove. If not we are doomed.