Tuesday, March 12, 2019

An Interview With Erik Prince, The Founder And Former CEO Of Blackwater

Head To Head/Al Jazeera:
Blackwater's Erik Prince: Iraq, privatising wars and Trump

Mehdi Hasan challenges the Blackwater founder on his firm's role in Iraq and his new plan to privatise the Afghan war.

In this episode of Head to Head, Mehdi Hasan challenges Erik Prince, the founder and former CEO of Blackwater, on his security firm's performance during the Iraq war, the "exit strategy" he's proposing for the war in Afghanistan, and his support for US President Donald Trump.

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WNU Editor: One can say a lot about Erik Prince, being boring is not one of them.


Anonymous said...

This guy is a psychopath in my book. There are so many options to make money without human misery. He seems to enjoy that one profession (mercenary) that causes most havoc around the world. Imagine how many people that guy had killed for money. "Legally." In the name of the dollar.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure I agree with your statement considering what happened in Africa after mercenaries were replaced by UN peacekeepers...do we need to pull up the numbers?

Anonymous said...

Like most interviews these days, this is a dog pile onto Prince. It would be better if it wasn't several against Prince, complete with interruptions of Prince trying to answer questions.