Monday, March 4, 2019

Cartoons Roundup


Anonymous said...

The carton of Kim Jong Un is accurate, needed, and deadly.

It is deadly as samizdat. There has not been such a comedic body slam since the portrayal of Kim in "Team America: World Police."

The cartoon really helps Trump in trade negotiation with the Chinese and in peace negotiations with the North Koreans, which are really 2 heads of the same hydra. Of course Trump will have to keep on plugging because a one time windfall does not a profitable venture make. The cartoon needs more circulation.

Anonymous said...

Yeah that cartoon totally will change the trajectory of history

What are you smoking? I need some of that (:

Anonymous said...

It dependents on how much you push a message. Republicans generally don't although there are exceptions.

It was explained to me that some Republicans engage in a lot of push back. For instance Boehner.

It occurred to me that is how you get people you are politically brown on the outside and red on the inside ... and then a vicious World War.

That is leaders fail to lead, but they accumulate all the perks and money like _itch McConnell and Boner.

Anonymous said...

You gotta get off that weed. The cartoon won't change anything.