Saturday, March 9, 2019

Editor's Note

WNU Editor: Going skiing with the GF today. She is a former ski instructor who did ski patrols and rescues .... and I am the type of person that she always had to rescue. Blogging will return later (if I come back in one piece).


Unknown said...

Glad you are in good hands. Have a good time away.

Anonymous said...

Venezuela power cuts: Blackouts continue as protests loom
2 hours ago (Saturday 10 AM EST)

Day 3

Chavez / Maduro took over the electrical grid in 2007.

They have run it into the ground. Ain't socialism grand!

Anonymous said...

Remember parrots, the official explanation (The Talking Points) is to blame iguanas ...

...among other things.

Anonymous said...

Obama is responsible for my acne
the Democrats made it rain the other day
my college gets money from the govt and that is socialism
my roof leaks. Is that the trickle-down effect?

B.Poster said...

The editor has a post that says he is going to be away for awhile enjoying some quality with his girl friend. I opened the comment sections with the idea to wish him well and to say have fun today and enjoy your well deserved fun time!!

Have fun skiing today!! I'm sure you are in great hands and will come back in one piece. I will await your return and if that is not today, I will be patient!!

Now somehow this thread gets sidetracked on a discussion of socialism. This seems to me to fit the very definition of trolling.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Bernie Bros But Nordic Countries Are Not Socialist

Misfit would want to beat his chest about China. Probably likes their police state apparatus.

Anonymous said...

And misfit copied his talking points form Peerform, who is ...?

Anonymous said...

This list isn't so hot

Anonymous said...

China approves Donald Trump-branded spas, escort services, hotels and massage parlours without US Congress permission Preliminary approval has been granted for 38 trademarks which raises further questions about conflicts of interest
Source: READ

Anonymous said...

4:25 That is so nice sweet cheeks.

Now explain to me how Bill Clinton was worth $500,00 for a speaking fee when he wife was sexetary of the United State?

He is not worth nearly that much in Moscow as a speaker now.

Pray Tell.

Commentary: Bill and Hillary Clinton should be investigated -Chi-town Trib

When Bill Clinton Was Paid $500,000 to Speak in Russia, Hillary Opposed State Dept. Sanctions?

Anonymous said...

How did you make out on the slopes WN editor?