Sunday, March 24, 2019

Germany Refuses To Disclose Iranian Attempts To Obtain Nuclear And Missile Technology

FOX News: Germany won't disclose Iranian attempts to obtain nuclear weapons, rocket technology, foreign ministry letter shows

Germany’s government has refused to disclose the number of attempts by the Iranian regime to obtain illicit nuclear weapons and rocket technology, Fox News has learned. The failure to reveal the information comes amid the Islamic Republic supreme leader's Thursday announcement promising to boost the country’s ballistic missile program in defiance of U.S warnings.

"A statistic in the field of foreign trade is not kept at the [German] customs criminal office," in connection with the Iranian regime's efforts to secure the technology, a German Foreign Ministry letter obtained by Fox News stated.

Niels Annen, a minister of state in the ministry, who celebrated the Islamic Republic of Iran’s revolution in February at Tehran’s Berlin embassy, wrote the March 18 letter.

Read more ....

Update: Germany refuses to disclose Iranian attempts to buy nuclear, missile technology (Jerusalem Post)

WNU Editor: I do not understand Germany's policy of appeasement towards Iran. From the German President praising the Iranian regime .... German Jews slam German president for praising antisemitic Iranian regime (Jerusalem Post), to not listing Iran-allied Hezbollah as a terrorist organization .... Germany will not list Iran-allied Hezbollah as terrorist: minister (DW), the German government has gone out of its way to not disrupt its ties with Iran. My prediction .... aligning oneself with the mullahs of Iran is not going to end well for Germany.


Anonymous said...

“You can take the girl out the bar, but you can’t take the bar out the girl”

American students typical get 30 semester hours, 1 year, of liberal arts outside their major.

In East Germany this was replaced with Marxist indoctrination. It is why West Germany and others did not recognize degrees from East German universities. I know.

"Later, at the Academy of Sciences, she became a member of its FDJ secretariat. According to her former colleagues, she openly propagated Marxism as the secretary for "Agitation and Propaganda". However, Merkel has denied this claim ..."

Sure she denied it.

You cannot take the bar out of the girl.

Anonymous said...

@WNU: Agreed. Germany's leadership makes no more sense. During the Obama years, Merkel's behaviour was in lock-step. Now, she looks like a leader in the pockets of Putin. Name one thing she has done to strengthen Germany and NATO. Nothing. Nada. You cannot. She let in a million refugees, despite the majority of the population being against it. She gives Putin a huge oil pipeline victory, at the time when it was crucial not to do so. She likes to pal around with the Iranians, she doesn't share vital info with our American partners. The real Russia collusion is happening, alright, but it is in Germany.

Anonymous said...

"During the Obama years, Merkel's behaviour was in lock-step. "

Maybe because Obama was in lockstep with Putin? Obama was very flexible ya know.

Why are we protecting the college admission to an ex president?

Would it crash sales of "Dreams of my Father"?

How would it compare to today's college admissions scandal