Monday, March 25, 2019

Israel Military Has Begun Carrying Out Strikes On Hamas Targets In Gaza

Reuters: Israeli military says has begun striking Hamas in Gaza

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - The Israeli military said on Monday it had begun carrying out strikes on Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip, hours after a Palestinian rocket hit a house near Tel Aviv.

Reuters witnesses heard explosions in Gaza.

The military said in a statement that it had “begun striking Hamas terror targets throughout the Gaza Strip.”

One position hit was a Hamas naval position west of Gaza City, and a another was a large Hamas training camp in northern Gaza, Palestinian security officials and Hamas media outlets said.

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More News On Israel Launching Military Strikes On Hamas Targets In Gaza

Israel strikes Hamas targets in Gaza after rocket hits house -- BBC
Israel launches military strike on Hamas in Gaza after rocket fire -- The Hill
Israeli jets hit targets in Gaza in response to rocket fire that injures 7 near Tel Aviv -- The Washington Post
IDF sends brigades, calls up reservists to Gaza border following rocket -- Jerusalem Post
Israel Launches Gaza Campaign That May Last Several Days -- Haaretz


Bob Huntley said...


Anonymous said...

Israel has every right to defend itself.