Saturday, March 9, 2019

Massive Power Outages Continue In Venezuela

Reuters: Venezuela's Guaido calls for massive protest as blackout drags on

CARACAS, March 9 (Reuters) - Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido on Saturday called on citizens nationwide to travel to the capital Caracas for a protest against socialist President Nicolas Maduro, as the country's worst blackout in decades dragged on for a third day.

Addressing supporters in southwestern Caracas, Guaido - the leader of the opposition-run congress who invoked the constitution to assume an interim presidency in January - said Maduro's government "has no way to solve the electricity crisis that they themselves created."

"All of Venezuela, to Caracas!" Guaido yelled while standing atop a bridge, without saying when the planned protest would be held. "The days ahead will be difficult, thanks to the regime."

Activists had scuffled with police and troops ahead of the rally, meant to pressure Maduro amid the blackout, which the governing Socialist Party called an act of U.S.-sponsored sabotage but opposition critics derided as the result of two decades of mismanagement and corruption.

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More News On Venezuela

Venezuela: Thousands join rival rallies as power cuts continue -- BBC
More blackouts hit Venezuela as opposition, government rally -- AP
Power Still Flickering, Venezuelans Take to Streets to Protest -- The New York Times
Huge power outage leaves most of Venezuela in darkness -- CNN
Thousands of protesters take to the streets of Caracas amid nationwide Venezuela power outage -- The Telegraph
Venezuela: Maduro and Guaidó's supporters return to the streets -- The Guardian
Here’s what the Venezuela blackout looked like from the ground -- The Washington Post

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The first two units, which were generating 8.4 MW and 7.7 MW of energy when I was there, have been operating since 1918. They've been serviced a number of times over the years, but they are still running smoothly.

Key word Serviced!

Check the log books.

If those are faked, check the serial numbers of the equipment and cross check it with the records of manufacturers. You can forge that too, however, it would be easier and cheaper to just do things right instead forge a maintenance history, where you altered manufacturer's records.

In WW2 Allied spies told generals that the Germans were building a billion zillion tanks. Statisticians using serial number data from knocked or German panzers came up with a much, much better estimate.

If Maduro opens up his books to audits, he is so screwed.