Monday, March 25, 2019

Moscow Wants Its Military To Be Prepared For A Major Military Confrontation

Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu provided details of Russia's latest snap exercise at the National Defence Control Centre in Moscow on 16 March Source: Russian MoD

Pavel Felgenhauer, RCD: Moscow Increasingly Ready for Major Military Confrontation

In the last several years, the Russian military has drastically increased its battle readiness in apparent preparation for a possible major conflict with an opposing massive ground force (see EDM, September 29, 2016; December 6, 2017; January 15, 2019). The massive buildup was first publicly reported in September 2016 by first deputy defense minister and chief of the General Staff Army General Valery Gerasimov. He discussed the issue in a briefing to Russian journalists following the conclusion of the Kavkaz 2016 military exercise which was centered on Crimea and the Black Sea region. Kavkaz 2016 has since been overlapped by even larger Russian war games, but in 2016 they were the biggest such maneuvers since the 1980s. In 2016, Gerasimov told journalists that front-line combat units—so-called battalion tactical groups (BTG)—will be primarily manned by contract soldiers to increase their battle readiness and will be supported by new special logistical field units.

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WNU Editor: The Russian military .... like any other major military power in the world .... is always prepared for a major war.This is nothing new.


Anonymous said...

I'm starting to think Putin and Trump are just pretending to have animosities between their countries. The real target is China. The Russia hoax is also just to increase defense spending and improve cyber budgets etc. Also, I'm sure some 500bn AI will be created in Hillary's basement right now, ready to mimic human emotions should she ever consider running again :D

Anonymous said...

"At this point what difference does it mnake?

They are D. E. A. D., DEAD!

Get over it

Move On (.org) ! "

Hillary Clinton on the dead Americans at Benghazi.

Bob Huntley said...

I believe you are right Anon but the emergence of China as an international and growing military power has made it a bit more than a game.

Osama Bin ladin's stratedy of drawing the US into useless expensive wars has worked, to the delight of the WIC, and now nothing can stop that drain on the well being of the country and its people, in general.

Anonymous said...

The Bob Huntley method is to let Osama trained militants for espionage, terrorism or as soldiers in peace. Well Bob, you are a moron.

"A few months later, Egyptian intelligence declared that Bin Laden was training 1,000 militants, a second generation of Arab-Afghans, to bring about an Islamic revolution in Arab countries."

"By lobbying religious scholars and Muslim activists, bin Laden succeeded in extracting a fatwah (declaration) from one of the senior scholars, that military training and readiness was a religious duty. He immediately circulated that fatwah and convinced potential fighters that they should get their training in Afghanistan.

It has been estimated that 4,000 men traveled to the Afghanistan training camps in response to the fatwah. "