Thursday, March 14, 2019

Navy Wants 10-Ship Armed Unmanned ‘Ghost Fleet’ To Supplement Its Manned Force

A Naval Sea Systems Command-developed Iraqi 60-meter Offshore Support Vessel. US Navy

USNI News: Navy Wants 10-Ship Unmanned ‘Ghost Fleet’ to Supplement Manned Force

THE PENTAGON – As the Navy faces more complex threats to its manned ships from Russia and China, the service is moving quickly to field an unmanned “Ghost Fleet” — a new breed of armed unmanned surface combatants will add more sensors and weapons to the current fleet.

In Fiscal Year 2020, the Navy has budgeted $400 million for two of the proposed large unmanned surface vehicles in its research and development budget line. The Navy plans to continue buying two a year until FY 2024, for a total of about $2.7 billion.

“These are 200- to 300-foot [vessels], 2,000 tons. I’m not sure what the final hull form will be, that’s what we are using today in terms of what the Ghost Fleet buy will be,” Rear Adm. Randy Crites, deputy assistant secretary of the Navy for budget, said on Tuesday during a press budget briefing.

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WNU Editor: What the US Navy essentially wants are small 200 - 300 foot warships that are unmanned but filled with weapon systems and sensors.


jimbrown said...

I volunteer to be the one guy on board with the stop switch.

Joe blowes said...

Too hell with the tax payment fools

Joe blowes said...

You better care where your taxes are going or else

Joe blowes said...

You're child will be sorry