Saturday, March 16, 2019

Russian Cops Are Special

WNU Editor: Russian cops are a special breed. One experience that I will never forget happened in Saint Petersburg in the summer of 1992 or 1993. I was visiting my uncle and cousins and I had just left their apartment waiting on a busy intersection to cross the street to get my bus. Beside me was a police car (Lada model of course) with two cops inside just watching the traffic. All of a sudden a very fast BMW (he must have been doing a 100km) went through the light followed by another BMW with someone shooting at them. It lasted a few seconds and they were then gone. I was too shocked to even move. I then looked at the cops, and their expression was priceless. They had a completely normal look, and as far as they were concerned, they saw nothing. Sighhh .... after watching the above video, it looks like nothing has changed.


Anonymous said...

Wnu.. it's not the cops.. it's the system.. they (the cops) don't want to end up dead in this corrupt Russian system. It's all controlled by mafia and the mafia like government. Speak out and you'll end up dead (just ask the dozens of reporters executed over there).. I don't blame the cops, they have no choice in this if they want to live the next day

H.O.S.T. 7734 said...

That was a hilarious story, typical Russia LOL, You ought to see them driving on the freeways in Chicago they would make those BMWs look like a they were taking a nice casual Sunday drive.