Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Top NATO General Says He Needs More Forces To Counter Russia

NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe Scaparrotti addresses a news conference at the Alliance headquarters in Brussels Reuters

VOA: US General Calls for Firepower, Focus to Counter Russia

WASHINGTON — The United States needs more firepower and focus to push back against ever-increasing Russian aggression across Europe and beyond, according to the top U.S. commander in Europe.

In testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee Tuesday, European Command’s Gen. Curtis Scaparrotti called Russia the primary threat to stability in Europe and recommended the U.S. boost the number of troops it deploys to the continent on both a permanent and rotational basis.

Scaparrotti said he was particularly concerned about insufficient intelligence and surveillance capabilities, as well as a shrinking advantage on the high seas.

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WNU Editor: He is not on the same page as President Trump.

More News On NATO's Top General Saying He Needs More Forces To Counter Russia

Top US general in Europe seeks more troops, warships to counter Russia -- Defense News

NATO chief wants to beef up Ukraine defenses against Russia threat -- AFP
Top U.S. commander: More assets needed in Europe to counter Russian threat -- Washington Times
Top US general calls for more troops and warships to counter growing Russian threat -- CNN
EUCOM commander requests 2 more Navy destroyers, extra ground troops for Europe -- Stars and Stripes
Top US general in Europe cries ‘Russian threat’ to get more troops, planes & ships -- RT
The top US general in Europe says he needs more troops and warships to take on Russia -- Business Insider
EUCOM Wants More Destroyers, Expanded Aircraft Carrier Presence to Deter Russia -- USNI News


Ryszard Ewiak said...

As you can see, the world is preparing for war. This time it will be a world war not only by name. The "great sword" will also be used. (Revelation 6:4) Jesus characterized him in this way: "Terrors [φοβητρα] both [τε] and [και] unusual phenomena [σημεια - unusual occurrences, transcending the common course of nature] from [απ] sky [ουρανου] powerful [μεγαλα] will be [εσται]." (Luke 21:11)

Some ancient manuscripts contain the words "and frosts" [και χειμωνες].
The Aramaic Peshitta: "and will be great frosts" [וסתוא רורבא נהוון]. We call this today "nuclear winter".

In Mark 13:8 there are also words of Jesus: "and disorders" [και ταραχαι] (in the sense of confusion and chaos).
The Aramaic Peshitta: "and confusion" [ושגושיא] (on the state of public order).

There will be also significant tremors, food shortages and epidemics along the length and breadth of the regions as a result of using this weapon.

Jesus warns us of the consequences of the global nuclear war. To survive, you have to prepare for all this.

Anonymous said...

...and leprosy will be let loose upon godless nations

Antitroll said...

Leprosy should be worldwide then because all nations are godless. Only God now is money and greed.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Obama pulled all the US armor out of Europe before the Ukraine was attacked. He never considered returning it. Obama talked about burden sharing but never forced the Euro's to step up NATO spending. Obama was too timid to arm Ukraine with useful weapons, probably because of that deal he made with President Medvedev to go easy on Putin after the 2012 election if Putin went easy on him.

Anyway Trump has reversed all those Obama initiatives.