Monday, March 25, 2019

U.K. Prime Minister: Not Enough Parliamentary Support To Hold Third Brexit Vote

Daily Mail: May SHELVES third vote on her deal due to 'lack of support' after DUP snub - but vows to FIGHT rebel MPs' plan to take control of Brexit tonight and says she could ignore their attempt to force a soft exit from the EU

* May wanted to hold third on her deal but DUP leader Arlene Foster failed to provide any new breakthrough
* PM said: 'It is with great regret that I have to conclude that as things stand there is still not sufficient support'
* MPs will hold a vote tonight which aims to seize control of Brexit and hold 'indicative votes' on softer options
* She will whip against the motion proposed by rebel Tory Oliver Letwin, but it is still expected to pass tonight
* Cabinet ministers have warned that they will call an election if MPs try to force them into a softer Brexit
* May also appeared to rule out No Deal Brexit unless MPs vote again to let it happen
* Theresa May is resisting calls to quit in return for support for her ailing Brexit deal from Boris and Rees-Mogg
* She faced cabinet today after members a coup against her collapsed within hours at the weekend
* Boris Johnson told Mrs May she had 'bottled' Brexit negotiations and needs to 'channel the spirit of Moses'
* European Commission has released a warning that 'it is increasingly likely the UK will leave without a deal'
* Row as Foreign Office Minister Mark Field admits he would back revoking Article 50 if May's deal is killed off

Theresa May today shelved plans for a third vote on her Brexit deal, hours after a new push to force it through the Commons was quickly rebuffed by the DUP.

The Prime Minister addressed the Commons this afternoon and admitted 'as things stand there is not sufficient support' to hold a fresh vote on her deal, quashing speculation that it would happen tomorrow.

Now she faces a move by rebel MPs who want to pass a motion tonight to seize control of Brexit - giving them the power to hold a vote on Wednesday letting the Commons select its favorite Brexit option in so-called 'indicative votes'.

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WNU Editor: The EU is getting ready for a no-deal Brexit .... EU completes no-deal Brexit preparations (DW). More here .... Factbox: EU preparations for no-deal Brexit (Reuters)

More News On U.K. Prime Minister May's Remarks That There Is Not Enough Parliamentary Support To Hold A Third Brexit Vote

Brexit: MPs start debate on indicative votes as May hints she might reject what Commons chooses – live news -- The Guardian
Theresa May faces Brexit showdown: Live Updates -- CNN
UK’s May: Parliament support too low for 3rd Brexit vote -- AP
PM concedes lack of support for deal as MPs seek to take control -- The Guardian
Not enough support yet for third Brexit vote, says UK PM May -- Reuters
Brexit: British PM May says no support for third vote on withdrawal deal -- DW
UK PM May says she still hopes to bring her Brexit deal back to Parliament -- Reuters
What next for Brexit? Here are the key upcoming dates in the UK’s EU exit -- CNBC

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