Thursday, March 21, 2019

U.S. Officials Worry That India- Pakistan Tensions Can Re-Escalate

Reuters: U.S. remains concerned about India-Pakistan tensions: official

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States remains concerned about India-Pakistan tensions as the nuclear-armed countries’ militaries remain on alert nearly three weeks after their most dangerous confrontation in decades, a senior U.S. administration official said on Wednesday.

The official also indicated that the Trump administration does not think Pakistan has adequately cracked down on the Islamist extremists who claimed responsibility for a bomb attack on Indian security forces that triggered last month’s crisis.

“If there is an additional terrorist attack without Pakistan having made a sustained sincere effort against these groups, it will be extremely problematic for Pakistan and it would cause a re-escalation in tensions,” the official, who briefed reporters on condition of anonymity.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The U.S. is also taking sides .... White House Warns Pakistan: Aggression Against India ‘Not Acceptable” as Nuclear Tensions Flare (CCN).


Anonymous said...

There's so, so many conflict zones at the moment, the slightest incident can kick it all off

Pakistan vs India
Russia vs Ukraine
North Korea vs US
China vs everyone
Iran vs Israel
Turkey vs Greece

And what do Europe's leaders do? Buy oil from Russia and buy sh$t from China. Thankfully the US has a strong leader at the moment. Before Trump the west and its way of life was losing a global war in this shifting axis of tyranny vs democracy

Anonymous said...

Many European leaders are literally hysterical.

Anonymous said...

how then has our "strong" leader changed any of the things you cite as potential wars? nada. zip. We bought oil from the Saudis for a long time and they house jihadists and murderers...our strong leader still adores them
We buy shit, non stop from China. Still. Check Walmart if you think things have changed

Joe blowes said...

Ok tayyyy

Joe blowes said...

War party

Anonymous said...

72 Virgins remind me of a brothel in heaven for bad people who will not work for a living, but kill for a cause instead.

Much easier to kill for made up cause than to actually work for a living.

An electrician, plumber, accountant, farmer cannot blame other people as much as a jihadi can. the former actually have to produce a product than other people need.

A jihadi is just a wannabe warlord. nothing new under the sun.