Saturday, March 9, 2019

U.S. Will Surpass Saudi Arabia Later This Year In Exports Of Oil, Natural Gas Liquids And Petroleum Products

CNN: America is set to surpass Saudi Arabia in a 'remarkable' oil milestone

Move over, Saudi Arabia. America is about to steal the kingdom's energy exporting crown.

The United States will surpass Saudi Arabia later this year in exports of oil, natural gas liquids and petroleum products, like gasoline, according to energy research firm Rystad Energy.

That milestone, driven by the transformative shale boom, would make the United States the world's leading exporter of oil and liquids. That has never happened since Saudi Arabia began selling oil overseas in the 1950s, Rystad said in a report Thursday.

"It's nothing short of remarkable," said Ryan Fitzmaurice, energy strategist at Rabobank. "Ten years ago, no one thought it could happen."

Read more ....

WNU Editor: And this U.S. growth shows no signs of slowing down .... U.S. Oil Production To Surpass Russia And Saudi Arabia By 2025 (February 3, 2019).


Anonymous said...

Source: Trump call for budget cuts sparks new shutdown fears
Source: Trump fires back at 'Wacky Nut Job' Ann Coulter
Source: Donald Trump's big problem: Voters don't think he cares about them

B.Poster said...

This situation could allow the United States to become not only a major world power but perhaps even the dominant power. Who could've dreamed this could possibly happen? Xi and Putin nor their predecessors are exactly used to thinking America as being on their level and for good reason.

Anonymous said...

Back in Berlin in the 1920s and well into the 30s, many, if not most, Jewish liberals of that time and place thought it could never happen to them. They were good Germans, after all, culturally advanced members of a sophisticated society much like today's Manhattan.

Mouldy Mold the Parrot is very sophisticated.

Anonymous said...

name calling=Deplorable Trumian

Anonymous said...

Truman is not president, parrot.

Mouldy mold is such a light hearted poke at fun, a person would only get indignant if it struck really close to the truth.

The rest is all truth.