Sunday, March 10, 2019

We Are Still Far Away From Any U.S. - China Trade Deal

President Donald Trump and China's President Xi Jinping at the Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Fla., on Friday. PHOTO: CARLOS BARRIA/REUTERS

Zero Hedge: Beijing Demands Its Own Enforcement Of Any Trade Deal

Now that President Trump's insistence that he and President Xi would need to meet to finalize a sweeping US-China trade deal has been exposed as empty talk - since Beijing absolutely refuses to send Xi all the way to Florida only to risk him returning empty handed - traders are finally being forced to accept the harsh reality: That a US-China trade deal is far from assured.

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WNU Editor: China's demand that the U.S. must first lift sanctions on $200 billion of Chinese goods and that a mechanism must be in place to insure U.S. compliance before China delivers any of its promises (and that is all that they are, just promises) is a non-starter. Especially in view of China's long history of breaking previous trade and economic promises. So what is China's strategy? I am becoming more and more convinced that China is playing the waiting game, and they are betting (and hoping) that President Trump will be defeated in 2020, and an incoming Democrat President will return everything back to the status quo. Bottom line. There is going to be no trade deal now, or even in 2020.


Anonymous said...

Me for one I am sick of the West always falling for the trust aspect

"In Asian countries trust matters"

No shit, sherlock. I've lived there for years. It is a platitude. It mostly means "if you are dumb enough to go first, you go right ahead"

FFS stop dancing around, keep the sanctions, wait for his call.

Anonymous said...

No deal

I am sure that the Chinese leaders were encouraged by the week long Cohen Circus and Representative Schitt.

Anonymous said...

and don't forget to mention hillary and obama!
retard in action

Anonymous said...

The American govt has an oversight committee. They are functioning and in so doing, have had Michael Cohen testifying. The Govt continues to proceed even while negotiating with foreign govts. It did so under the GOP and will do so under a Dem majority in Congress

Anonymous said...

Source: Trump’s latest admission: He had an explicit discussion with Cohen about a pardon

Anonymous said...

Obama investigated for Fast and Furious?

Fat & Furious?

No, you cannot remember anything.

Scum Hillary was investigated over Uranium 1 and her emails. Comey took over the Attorney Generals job and said she was innocent. Since when does an FBI head do that?

Maybe Comey did it because the AG was a black woman and he thought her unimportant.

Maybe he did it because he is a partisan hack.

Anonymous said...

So B Poster and the parrot both went Anon.

Anonymous said...

we all joined you, macho man

Anonymous said...

Source: Trump’s latest admission: He had an explicit discussion with Cohen about a pardon
Source: Trump "likes" tweet connecting massage parlor owner to Mar-a-lago - AxiosSource: AOC must reset a conversation stolen by the GOP: The Green New Deal is an economic stimulus program |
Source: Paul Manafort lawyer mysterious payment hidden chapter of Trump 2016 campaign
but Misfit: I don't want you to follow me. Follow, Trump-o-matic, butt boy

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Feed Lapides got the last 2 posts in before mine here. He is da MAN!

Anonymous said...

The Green New Deal is an economic stimulus program |

Let unpack that. If you spend money, it is a stimulus. There is thing called the multiplier effect.

Maybe some Journalism school grads and other humanities major grads might want to actually look into the multiplier effect.

Last I knew the multiplier effect for any spending decreased over time. Maybe English majors when on to get PhD is Marxist Critical Theory and developed a new math based on intersectionality.

Or they asked their accountant.

The USSR spent every dime it had and each project in the 5 year plan should have had lots of multiplier effect and yet it ground to a halt.

All spending is not created equal. All spending does not have the same multiplier effect. To some extent a spending is agnostic. Wait staff at a restaurant do not care if you work AFSCME, 3M or bugs bunny. It is all the same to them. Still money spent cannot be completely agnostic or any old spending would work.

Certainly Warlord Pelosi claimed that her welfare spending had a greater multiplier effect. A wait to see where an economy with 100% welfare spending of 51% welfare spending lasts or grows for any appreciable amount of time.

Pelosi gradumucated with a BS in Political Science. She must ask her accountant about the multiplier effect just like Mr. Boba Parrot.

Anonymous said...

You remain full of yourself, thinking yourself so clever and all you really are is a little person who loves to berate, be snide, girly like and phucking pain in the butt. go forth and stop being such a low life

Anonymous said...

You know that intersectionality as practiced by the Democrat Party and loyalist will devour itself.

Captain America was written as a black woman, but Holly wood decided to go with whitey This is a featured article. Click here for more information. Page semi-protected
Brie Larson. Brie is very woke , but that does not placate the intersectionalistas.

Parrot's definition of a low life is: Someone, who can actually find the derivative or an integral for a function, where it exists.

A real low life is is someone who can use calculus based math to study economics.

Meanwhile Parrot will visits its shaman.

If you don't want to learn calculus, you could read Wikipedia. It will get you closer to the truth than this

Oh Great and Wonderful OZ

You know having 16 year olds voting like Democrats want may not be a bad things. At least 10% of them might have taken pre-calculus or algebra and they won't say

"Oh numbers I'll just ask my accountant."

What can we lose? We already have an electorate that thinks it is smart because it has a sheepskin, but makes a box of rocks look smart by comparison.

Anonymous said...

I find someone who refuses to learn the facts by refusing to further their education inside or outside (self-taught) of formal school to be someone deserving of scorn.