Thursday, April 18, 2019

Attorney General Barr's News Conference On Redacted Mueller Report (Live Coverage At 9:30 EST)


fred said...

...and next?
Congress will call Mueller and probably Barr to testify...and will sue for unredacted Mueller report. Nothing to fear, right? Rudy has prepared a counter report because he has not seen the Mueller report...or has?
Trump made aware of the essence of the report before congress and the report is a study of Trump? and that is transparency
and now, girly boys, start calling me names because that is the grown up way of doing things, right?

Anonymous said...

Democrats are so delusional.

There is something buried so deep in the democratic hive mind that protects their ego from total obliteration.

Democrats were so wrong, so often - not just factually and intellectually but they were also wrong in terms of judging a man.

When someone is so wrong about something so important (treason = death penalty) and so often, as a lawmaker or private citizen (Fred) you should step back and stfu for once.

Schiff should RESIGN TODAY!
and Fred should see a SHRINK TODAY!


Anonymous said...

Fred was wrong for MORE THAN 2 YEARS! On hundreds if not THOUSANDS(!) of occasions, Fred (=sick!) has made remarks about Trump and Russia and Treason and LYNCHING the president, all on behalf of CNN's programming. Wow ,and he still wants more..

Can you guys imagine the lawsuit that's pending on CNN, once all these dumb parrots wake up and want real justice?

Fred obviously won't wake up,he's a goner, but other people still might wake up, and they will want revenge from that shitshownetwork CNN.. they still have not apologized for 2 years of hysteria programming that made Fred into what he is today.

fred said...

ah, as predicted! nothing but girly boys, fresh out of doing their nails and now like kids in middle school, huddled together to gossip and call names...grow the fuck up and deal with reality...pending lawsuit? many working through the courts by women against orange agent Trump?
why is CNN and NY Times so often cited here as sources ...Fred is wrong for two years: cite instances,name specific times and what was said. You gossipy little girls

fred said...

Source: Trump’s Second Veto Keeps America Involved in Yemen’s Bloody Civil War
Source: Why William Barr should resign | TheHill
Source: Pelosi, Schumer call on Mueller to testify after 'Barr's regrettably partisan handling' of report | TheHill
Source: Pelosi, Schumer call on Mueller to testify after 'Barr's regrettably partisan handling' of report | TheHill

Anonymous said...


fred said...

keep calling names. that is
All you have got! girlyboys

have you ever worked with redacted materials? foi secret stuff?
I have...and you?
now for more name calling, girls

Anonymous said...

Yes I have and you are a liar. But it's unnecessary for me to point that as you yourself do an excellent job.

Anonymous said...

Fred you have dug such a deep hole for yourself that no one can even hear you anymore, you are lost in your own echo chamber. Time to shit it down, move past the birther issue and start again on something fresh and new.

Mike Feldhake said...

Fred worries me; both I am concerned for him but for what he represents and how many other people think this way. I know someone else so much in denial and she was so destructive in my family.

Having said that, from what I read, Trumps initial stumbling around which might be construed as tampering with the investigation was merely a consequence of what happen to Sessions. I believe that Sessions was intimidated early on to recuse himself and because of what we did not know today, he did so. This means the Dems influenced the investigation which THEY created out of thin air. We're not the problem Fred, your Dems are!

Anonymous said...

The other day I replied to your comment too harshly, I shouldn't have and I apologise.

fred said...

anon 11:48
I now challenge you to tell me where I have lied since you call me a liar!
Highly classified stuffr? yes. clear not just but on two separate occasions for different jobs in different geographical zone.
FOI and redactions? Yes. FBI material, highly redacted.
Now: tell me I lie...and, better: PROVE IT...YOU ARE WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT

Anonymous said...

The Internet never forgets. Too bad you seem to.

Anonymous said...

By the way the " secret squirrel" defense is old and not believed. Don't you remember the first rule of intelligence work? It's the words from your very mouth that convict you. Let's see the all caps now from the very important ex academe, secret squirrel, pictures on the mantel,oh are there any more names you care to brag on?

Anonymous said...

Trump is not McConnell. He won't bend over. He let the FBI and Jsutice Department investigate and prosecute.

Huma Abedin will go to prison for taking a hammer to a blckaberry. the intent and the breaking of the law is very clear.

McCabe Jail
Peter Strzok prison
Lisa Page Orange is the new black