Gold from West Africa —
Reuters: Exclusive: Gold worth billions smuggled out of Africa
NAIROBI, (Reuters) - Billions of dollars’ worth of gold is being smuggled out of Africa every year through the United Arab Emirates in the Middle East – a gateway to markets in Europe, the United States and beyond – a Reuters analysis has found.
Customs data shows that the UAE imported $15.1 billion worth of gold from Africa in 2016, more than any other country and up from $1.3 billion in 2006. The total weight was 446 tonnes, in varying degrees of purity – up from 67 tonnes in 2006.
Much of the gold was not recorded in the exports of African states. Five trade economists interviewed by Reuters said this indicates large amounts of gold are leaving Africa with no taxes being paid to the states that produce them.
Previous reports and studies have highlighted the black-market trade in gold mined by people, including children, who have no ties to big business, and dig or pan for it with little official oversight. No-one can put an exact figure on the total value that is leaving Africa. But the Reuters analysis gives an estimate of the scale.
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WNU Editor: The environmental impact from these illegal mining operations must be devastating.
You cannot have world peace with Africa being a battle ground.
Any corruption there will spill over.
Terrorist groups do use transnational crimninal gangs to help them in theior endeavors.
We cannot throw money at Africa, but it behooves us to assist.
Check out Tyler Cowen's site Marginal Revolutions.
He probably has covered the story and has many comments by economists as to the effects.
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to Ibrahim
sorry but your firm steals from homes they clean! return my Rolex!
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