Sunday, April 21, 2019

China Is Becoming More Assertive In Its South China Sea Claims

Peter Apps, Japan Times/Reuters: Beijing goes unconventional in South China Sea's escalating confrontation

In early December, a flotilla of two dozen Chinese fishing boats and escort warships sailed to the disputed Filipino-occupied reef of Thitu. By the end of the month, Beijing had almost 100 vessels in and around the archipelago, creating an initially largely hidden confrontation that could yet spark outright war.

When China’s People’s Liberation Army Navy turns 70 in October, the celebrations will center on its largest, highest-profile warships — particularly its pair of aircraft carriers, set to be the first of many. High-tech saber-rattling is clearly at the heart of Beijing’s strategy to dominate its immediate neighborhood, with jets and warships particularly aggressive around Taiwan’s borders in the last six months.

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WNU Editor: This is not going to end well.


B.Poster said...

"This is not going to end well." I tend to agree. Russia and China are the world's top powers IMHO based upon what I firmly believe to be a thorough and objective analysis.

At this point, it seems that neither the countries in the region near China, nor Eastern European countries, nor America seem willing or able to recognize geopolitical reality. In the case of these countries, they are likely aware that America will bear the brunt of Russian and Chinese reprisals and not them. As for American leadership, they are ideologically blind or worse.

As for POTUS, he started with promise with what seemed to be a sincere effort carefully thought out and planned to improve our relations with Russia. What went wrong? The Democrats, POTUS's wife whom he loves and is of eastern European heritage whispering in his ear to act against our interests, or perhaps some combination of both.

The Russian and Chinese leadership appear to respect and even fear Trump. As for other US leadership, not so much. They not only aren't respected but are held in utter contempt by these powerful people. Unfortunately Trump may have over reached in areas such as Venezuela. After all I wouldn't expect Russia and China to strive with us forever.

So will it end well? If US leadership understands geopolitical reality and acts accordingly, it will end well with wealth, prosperity, freedom, and security the likes of which America has never experienced. Failure to understand geo political reality and to act accordingly are unlikely to "end well."

Anonymous said...

Poster: you are kidding, right?

Roger Smith said...

DJT's wife whispering in his ear to act against our interests? Good grief, Poster!

B.Poster said...


I'm not "kidding." My analysis could be wrong. IMHO fights with Russia and China are fights we don't need, can't readily afford, winning is going to be problematic at best, wnd even if we "win" we get nothing of value.


DJT's wife is of eastern European descent. Eastern, Europeans have sought to manipulate us for many, many years, American leadership often bases it's decisions on ideology making them easily manipulated, and POTUS loves his wife who ie of eastern European descent.

I've seen what men will do for the love of a woman and by all reasobable appearances POTUS adores his wife. Your "good grief" statement notwithstanding Melania is not an American, like most eastern Europeans has no loyalty to America and perhaps views us as complete easily manipulated idiots. I see a potential major prob

DJT began his campaign with promising approaches on ways to improve relations with Russia. Something went wrong. While part of it is obviously the mentally deranged Democrats who have decided we simply MUST have a new war with Russia, he hasn't been helpful in his own right of late, at leat after the sunmit that the treasonous Democrats detailed things have really gone downhilll.

Since POTUS's wife is of eastern European descent, Eastern Europeans historically act against our interests and manipulate us, POTUS's wife is of this descent, he loves her, and he's had problems with women in the past, your "good grief" flippant dismissal of a real potential problem isn't helpful.

Jac said...

Well, I am learning that Melania Trump is a Strategic size problem...with Russia, but what about China? May be she has Asian family too.
The only fear for dictators is strength because it's the way they are reining and understanding. Being nice with Xi Jinping is the same mistake we did with Hitler. The cherry on top of the cake is making Russia and China "the top power of the world".

Bob Huntley said...

The respect and fear I believe comes from a belief that Trump is a very loose cannon that could go off simply because McDs forgot to put cheese on his burger or some such minor other thing.

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