Saturday, April 27, 2019

Get Ready For A Major Paradigm Shift

Richard Fernandez, PJ Media: Get Ready for a Paradigm Shift on Russia, Climate Change, Everything You Think You Know...

It may now sound ridiculous, but Nikita Khrushchev once told America "we will bury you" and Washington believed him. For years the intelligence community thought the U.S.S.R. was on the verge of overtaking the U.S. as the world's largest economy before the Soviets unexpectedly collapsed. Daniel Patrick Moynihan's book, Secrecy: the American Experience, tries to explain how such a tremendous intelligence misjudgment could take place.

The Gaither report ... was forwarded to the president just weeks after the ... launching of Sputnik. ... The conclusions were stark to the point of startling ... 'The GNP of the USSR is now more than 1/3 that of the US and is increasing half again as fast' ... The intelligence community accepted and 'improved the assessment of the Gaither commission. ... [The] report remained Top Secret until 1973. But of course it had leaked well before then ... to ... the New York Times.

The illusion lasted so long because it was founded on a secret report that gave it credibility. Once the narrative had been established, it remained fundamentally unchallenged until nearly the end of the Cold War. "Sovietologists ... trained to rely on the same general assumptions and data, had engaged in 'group think' ... [until] in 1985, Rowen circulated a paper to senior officials in the Reagan administration ... that actual Soviet economic growth was close to zero."

Read more ....

WNU editor: My must read post for today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

JGR Atmospheres

"The Contributions of Winter Cloud Anomalies in 2011 to the Summer Sea‐Ice Rebound in 2012 in the Antarctic"

Yunhe Wang
Xiaojun Yuan
Haibo Bi
Yu Liang
Haijun Huang
Zehua Zhang
Yanxia Liu

First published: 01 March 2019

Hate The Kremlin, Hate Xi, but that aside I believe real science will come out of both Russia and China and not the US, because the West is being held hostage by spoiled brats, who literally know nothing. It is not just the brats but political parties too. Like the one AL Gore is in.

Here are examples of the spoiled brats

A)Dare to declare capitalism dead – before it takes us all down with it

by George Monbiot Thu 25 Apr 2019 15.00 AEST

"Societies can recover from these apocalyptic events, but not from the loss of soil, an abundant biosphere and a habitable climate."

According to George Moonbat, capitalism causes soil loss.

B)The Extinction Rebellion leaders: Jet-setter Robin Boardman, a Buddhist teacher and a yoga instructor

"A leading Extinction Rebellion activist who said that ?“air travel should only be used in emergencies” lives a jet-set lifestyle, taking skiing holidays, visiting global landmarks and enjoying walks along palm-tree lined paths.

Robin Boardman-Pattinson walked out of a television interview after being branded “incompetent, middle-class and self indulgent” by Sky’s Adam Boulton, but The Telegraph can reveal that climate change is not the only cause which he fights for"