Friday, April 19, 2019

Greece Repeats Its Demands For WW2 Reparations From Germany

Reuters: Greek parliament calls on Germany to pay WW2 reparations

ATHENS (Reuters) - The Greek parliament voted on Wednesday to launch a diplomatic campaign to press Germany to cough up billions of euros in damages for the Nazi occupation of the country in World War Two, an issue Berlin says was settled long ago.

Greece suffered hugely under Nazi German rule and a parliamentary commission in 2016 put the cost at more than 300 billion euros, though Wednesday’s proposal - backed by both ruling coalition and opposition lawmakers - mentioned no figure.

The vote, the first official decision by parliament on the emotive reparations issue, is likely to further strain ties with Germany, blamed by many Greeks for painful austerity measures imposed in return for bailout loans during its financial crisis.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Greece is upping the pressure .... Greece Mulls German Asset Seizure if Berlin Says No to WWII Reparations – Report (Sputnik). Here is the German response .... Germany responds to Tsipras demands over WWII occupation (Euronews).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Less than 1% or so of the people in Germany today were even alive in Germany in WW2. Should I pay Greek reparations? I have a German parent, who is a naturalized citizen. Apparently, they have shirked their repsonsibility to pay the Greeks to bail them out of their lousy economy. If the Greeks had a good economy we would here very little of this. It popped up since the crisis in 2011, which was created by the EU with their single currency, which buggered the Mediterranean countries of the EU.

Merkel and eurocrats (France too) are wunderbar at creating problems.