Sunday, April 21, 2019

Hidden Camera Found In Women's Bathroom Aboard The U.S. Warship USS Arlington

The USS Arlington. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Megan Anuci

NBC: Hidden camera found in women's bathroom aboard Navy ship

A Navy spokesperson confirmed that NCIS is investigating the device found aboard the USS Arlington, currently in port in Greece.

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Navy is investigating a report that a female Marine found a camera in a women's bathroom of the USS Arlington, according to three military officials.

In a statement, a spokesperson for the Sixth Fleet confirmed that the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) is probing a "recording device in a head" aboard the Arlington, an amphibious transport dock that is currently in port in Greece.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The shit is going to hit the fan aboard the USS Arlington on this one.

More News On A Hidden Camera Being Found In A Women's Bathroom Aboard U.S. Warship USS Arlington

A hidden camera was found in a women's bathroom on a warship, and investigators are looking for answers -- Business Insider
Navy investigating after camera found in women’s bathroom on the USS Arlington -- Stars and Stripes
A hidden camera was found in the women's bathroom on the USS Arlington -- Task & Purpose
Report: NCIS investigates after a camera is found hidden in the women’s bathroom on a Navy ship -- Washington Post


Anonymous said...

They need a Big Chicken Dinner.

The monthly safety inspections or the cleaner attached to the may have or should have been able to find it.

If they needed something, they could have gone to that website EGS.

Not recommended though it appears to be consensual; that is the women are not trafficked.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it was a contractor or a yard bird.

Anonymous said...

I never "got" the hidden camera in bathroom thing. What's the turn on? Looking at a chick take a dump? It's so disgusting. But the person who did it is likely mentally/clinically sick/sex addict to go that far. And my bet is that this sickness is so common among men that it's near reckless to put men and women together in such close quarters sometimes for weeks or even months without decent shore break.not defending the guy but it's 2019 and we still act surprised when this happens. It's the human condition. Men are sex addicts and women get pregnant or have abortions like it's fun and games. No one seems to think things through

Anonymous said...

Anon, have you never heard of “thinking with your dick”? Two types of thinking with men.
As for women, sigh they can be as sex obsessed but more cunning about it then most men. Don’t be surprised if a woman put that camera in the head.

Anonymous said...

How dare you even suggest that women like sex or can be sex addicts/bad people?


Opinions are only valid and thoughtful if they come from women, gay guys or transgender people. Oh and people of all colours. Except white people. They better shut up and go away.

I watch cnn all day and they tell me that it is white men who are evil and should be ideally exterminated.

Women on the other hand are glorious angels who can do no wrong, ever. We should keep promoting them independent of merit.

And while you might argue that it is a bit weird that for the last millenia or so, it was the women who raised men, and did most of the parenting, yet somehow their angel like nature and job mastery never really translated into peaceful/well-raised men./ is again the wrong thought. Because women do no harm, no evil, ever.

Women do the birth giving, the raising and much of the parenting but we never connect sickness of our society to their parenting skills or their failures. Must have been those men again. Those Bastards. The guy who put the camera in there is sick and he was sick all the time. Not society or parenting the made him no. No. That cannot be. It must be the innate toxic masculinity I've been hearing so much about on cnn. Only that can be the reason. No other reasons exist!!

Anonymous said...

By the way. .if you or anyone really wants to see how deep the rabbit hole goes, check CNN reporting on crimes committed by women. Almost non-existent. Makes sense right? Women don't commit crimes! !

Check the crime stats. Then verify those stats with the reporting on cnn and how much they focus disproportionate on male crime. You won't believe it if I'll tell you. Check yourself.

Anonymous said...

I blame Obama CNN NY Times Hillary Liberals California
a hidden camerain toilet aboard a ship is called Giving Head

Anonymous said...

some day you might be white and then you will be sorry for what you say

Anonymous said...