Thursday, April 4, 2019

New York Times Is Claiming That The Barr Summary Of The Mueller Report Is Incomplete

Business Insider: Mueller's team reportedly believes its findings are more dangerous to Trump than Barr indicated

* Some members of the special counsel Robert Mueller's team reportedly view their findings as more damaging to President Donald Trump than Attorney General William Barr has indicated.
* According to The New York Times, Mueller's team had put together several summaries of their final report, and they believe Barr should have included more information from their summaries in the four-page letter he sent to Congress laying out his "principal conclusions" of Mueller's findings.
* Some investigators are also concerned that Barr's review of the report has already shaped the public's perception of the probe before the full report's release.
* Barr is in the process of redacting certain types of sensitive information in the nearly 400-page document and said he plans to release it by mid-April.
* But House Democrats are moving to subpoena the Justice Department for a full, unredacted copy of the report, saying that they need all the information to appropriately conduct oversight of the executive branch.

Some of the investigators who worked with the special counsel Robert Mueller on the FBI's Russia investigation believe their findings are more damaging to President Donald Trump than Attorney General William Barr has indicated, The New York Times reported on Wednesday.

According to The Times, some members of Mueller's team have told associates that they are concerned Barr's initial review of the report, which included his "principal conclusions" of Mueller's findings, has already shaped the public's perception of the probe before the final report is released.

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WNU Editor: The problem with this New York Times report is that they are quoting anonymous sources, and no one else in the media has been able to collaborate what they are reporting. Robert Mueller is also involved with Attorney General William Barr and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in redacting this report before it is released. I think that he would have made it very clear in the past few weeks that he was in disagreement with the summary of his report if that was the case. My prediction. The report is going to be released in the next few weeks, and grand jury testimonies and what involves national security will not be made public (which is following the law). That is not going to satisfy anyone, so expect this circus (and it is a circus now) to continue.


Anonymous said...

It is so predictable that you would label the rightfully convened investigation of an American President and his enablers possibly in conspiracy with the Russian Federation to defraud American voters as a circus. The circus show exists in the hearts and minds of the colluders and their apologists for Russian interference!

jimbrown said...

Like where's Hillary Rodham Clinton?

Why is the title wrong?

Anonymous said...

“False. Our reporters interviewed multiple government officials and others to gather the facts for the story,” the Times said in a statement responding to Trump’s tweet.

False. Our reporters interviewed multiple government officials and others to gather the facts for the story; read it here:
— NYTimes Communications (@NYTimesPR) April 4, 2019

The Washington Post and NBC News followed up with reports that some on the special counsel’s team have told associates they gathered significant evidence that Trump obstructed the probe and were frustrated with Barr’s description.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anything that begins with "According to the New York Times" should immediately be disregarded by any critical thinker.

Narrative based journalism at its worst.

That rag, even more so these days, ain't even worth wiping your crack with...

Bob Huntley said...


Mike Feldhake said...

Just looking to continue the story.....argh, they will never admit it.

Anonymous said...

anon at 3:22
stupid is as stupid comments

Anonymous said...

Are you retarded? The NYT was more often wrong in 2016-2019 then in its entire history of being a lying newspaper. You have to be a braindead leftie to read the NYT

Anonymous said...

Lapides lives!

Anonymous said...

Why has Rudy declared that what the papers published was leaked if it is not from Mueller people?

Anonymous said...

from conservative Wall St Journal

The way that the Trump administration tried to spin the end of the Mueller investigation was a sign of its unscrupulousness and ineptitude. Having Attorney General William P. Barr issue a four-page summary of Mueller’s nearly 400-page report, purporting to clear Trump, must have seemed like a good idea at the time. But it now looks like a clumsy cover-up that is blowing up in Barr’s face, doing serious damage to the reputation for integrity that he has spent a lifetime cultivating.

Anonymous said...

These guys. Have none of them ever worked in academia or business? Don't they know what an exec brief is? They're almost never longer than what Barr submitted even if the underlying context/report/research is in the hundreds of pages. What a completely uniformed, transparent attempt to keep on discrediting this administration. And all the braindead parrots who ruined their reputation for more than two years are of course hoping it to be true. How can people turn off their brains and objective judgment like this?