Monday, April 22, 2019

Report: 70,000 People Have Been Killed In Yemen's Civil War Since January 2016

The UN said last month 100 civilians were either killed or wounded every week in Yemen in 2018, with children accounting for a fifth of all casualties [File: Mohammed Hamoud/Anadolu]

Al Jazeera: More than 70,000 killed in Yemen's civil war: ACLED

A database tracking violence in Yemen says more than 10,000 people were killed in the last five months alone.

More than 70,000 people have been killed in Yemen's civil war since January 2016, according to a database tracking violence in the country.

The figure, released by the Armed Conflict and Location Event Data Project (ACLED) on Thursday, included 10,000 people who were killed in the past five months alone.

"Lethal fighting continues across the country and has intensified in key governorates like Taiz and Hajjah," the group said in a statement. But overall fatalities have trended downward this year because of a United Nations-backed peace process, it added.

Read more ....

Update #1: More Than 70,000 Killed in Yemen’s Civil War: Database Tracker (Antiwar)
Update #2: Yemen War Death Toll Surpasses 70,000 (Reliefweb)

WNU Editor: The report is here .... Yemen War Death Toll Surpasses 70,000 (ACLED).


Anonymous said...

5 or 6 Muslims killed by a white New Zealander and condemnations from America’s media flows like the Mississippi River at flood stage. Muslims killing 70,000 fellow Muslims and Trump! White Privilege! Rihanna! AOC’s shoes! Don’t give a damn about 70,000 dead.

Anonymous said...

There is enough concern that we wanted to cease involvement, but Orange Baboon vetoed it...muslim sects fighting each other is like Prot and Cath. in 1500s

Anonymous said...

"muslim sects fighting each other is like Prot and Cath. in 1500s"

Good thinking there sherlock

Because there was the 30 years way from 1618 to 1648 and since Islam got started 612 years after Christianity, then by your calculations we can expect Muslims with nukes to be fighting until 2248.

That is good straightline extrapolating.

That is primo stuff!

You must be in the top 10 of straightline thinkers of all time.

I think you should be put in a bubble with bubble boy, because we would not want to lose you. You are the braintrust of the whole world.

Seriously, when you have a new baby, you expect your youngest 'usually' to learn faster, because they have an older sibling.