Thursday, May 30, 2019

According To The New York Times President Trump Has Just Admitted That Russia Helped Him Win The 2016 Election

New York Times: Trump Admits to Russia ‘Helping Me to Get Elected’

WASHINGTON — President Trump on Thursday acknowledged for the first time that Russia helped “me to get elected,” and then quickly retracted the idea.

“No, Russia did not help me get elected,” Mr. Trump told reporters as he departed the White House for Colorado Springs. “I got me elected.” He spoke less than an hour after his Twitter post.

The original comment, a clause in one of several Twitter posts this morning, is an extraordinary admission from Mr. Trump, who has avoided saying publicly that Russia helped him win the presidency in 2016 through its election interference. American intelligence agencies and federal prosecutors have long concluded that Russia tried to influence voters.

Mr. Trump has been reluctant to fully embrace the intelligence agencies’ findings that Russia was behind the 2016 election interference, but he has consistently argued that he alone was responsible for his unexpected victory. The “Russia hoax,” Mr. Trump has argued, is one fabricated by Democrats who are angry they lost the White House.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Because of this blog I do read everyone of President Trump's tweets, and in the past three years I have become very familiar with his writing style. He is not admitting that Russia "helped me to get elected" in the above tweet. Far from it. But according to the New York Times .... he is. One of the faults that I have observed more than once in the media coverage of President Trump is that they take his tweets or remarks literally. Case in point .... telling the Russians in a campaign speech in 2016 to "find Hillary Clinton's emails". Then candidate Trump was mocking the media in front of a crowd who responded by laughing and agreeing with him. They understood his joke, and so did I. But many in the media and his opponents saw him as someone who was voicing support for Russia to hack Hillary Clinton's servers .... which by the way were disconnected and no longer online at the time. But will not let those pesky facts get in the way of a media narrative.


fred said...

sure. anything he says that you do not like then simply a joke.
In fact, in this instance, he then corrected what he had said when he realized what he had truly said. Now is his dismissal also a joke?

Anonymous said...

WNU Editor was a big fan of Trump long before Trump ever became president, and even if he doesn't admit it, he shows that rather obvious bias at times.

Nothing wrong with that. Sometimes it can be a bit... too much. One of the core reasons why I like this blog was because it didn't satiate with political bias. I mean that's a lie. Of course it did. But not to the extent of others. It was more subdued here.

But warnews has been bleeding more of that bias into his writings as of late.

Here? Not so much. He's spot on that this is how Trump talks. Trump isn't saying what the liberal media is portraying him as saying. They will pounce on this and not let go now.

What WNU Editor fails to mention (and this is where some of his bias comes into play, as he's not very good at being critical of his own bias) is that this isn't good from a political perspective. Trump can be rather careless in his wording to the point that he often gives his opponents free ammunition. Some people find that refreshing. I know I do.

The reality however is that Trump is in a high profile public office. What he says, what he does, how he acts, his body language, is on full display nearly 24/7. People need to be critical of his behavior in certain regards, not praising it. Would you praise this sort of thing if it came from a liberal instead of a republican?

You most likely wouldn't, if you are honest with yourself.

So why tolerate it with Trump? For a blog in which is usually full of praise for Mr Trump, it is rather saddening. Not to say Trump should be denied of that praise. He was the best candidate for the job compared to fork-tongue Hillary, and he won.

But how many times must he have his ass licked, huh?

Anonymous said...

I dunno, I have absolutely no love for Trump but all WNU does is occasionally point out when Trump is right, which isn't as rare as some make it out to be. Would you rather we all ignore the implosion of the media before our eyes? This army of politically compromised "reporters" and editors throw themselves at Trump again and again to steadily decreasing effects and all Trump does is point it out. Then all WNU does is point out the insanity of it all.

I suspect you have decades old party loyalty guiding your thoughts here. Trump can still be a selfish conman without needing to adopt the batshit crazy narrative that the Democrats and their controlled media are spinning.

jimbrown said...

NYTimes has never made a mistake ever ya know?

Anonymous said...

can you cite a time when they were wrong and did not admit it asap?

Anonymous said...

They are not ugly people. They are like you and me, just believe in different things. Remember: they were told a lie for 2 years. I would do the same, if I was them. The little parrot fights for what he believes and for that I respect him.

Bob Huntley said...
