Friday, May 17, 2019

Former U.S. State Department Official Tells China To Drop Trade Negotiations With The U.S. And Wait For President Trump To Be Replaced

Former Acting Assistant Secretary of State Susan Thornton. ABC News

SCMP: Former Donald Trump official hopes for US-China trade deal, but says Beijing can afford to wait

* Susan Thornton says Washington must return to diplomacy and rescue deal
* State Department veteran says pressure will hit Donald Trump before Xi Jinping

A former official in the Trump administration has said that China can weather the storm brought by the trade war with the United States but might have to “keep steady, keep their heads down and wait” for change in the White House.

Susan Thornton, former acting assistant secretary of state to US President Donald Trump, told a gathering in Shanghai on Wednesday that she hoped a trade deal between the US and China could be concluded by next month.

But the reality was that it would “take a while” for China and the US to talk about cooperation again, Thornton, who in 20 years rose to become the US State Department’s chief negotiator for East Asia and Pacific affairs, told the South China Morning Post.

“I want to be optimistic,” said Thornton, whose 27-year career in Washington ended in July. “I tell all our foreign counterparts they should keep steady, keep their heads down and wait. [They should] try to not let anything change dramatically.”

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WNU Editor: This former 27 year career State Department official (who was the chief negotiator for East Asia and Pacific affairs) made her remarks in Shanghai. Talk about trying to undermine your government's policy in a foreign country, and undermining U.S. interests in changing the current U.S. trade imbalance with China. So who is paying her for her remarks, and why did she make them? This is the reason why .... Top US diplomat for Asia on the ropes ahead of North Korea summit (ABC News). She was cut-out by US Secretary of State Pompeo who saw her as too soft on China and not aligned with administration policy. Considering what she said yesterday, Secretary Pompeo was right.


Anonymous said...

Just keep talking.

Anonymous said...

Is she beholden to China in some way? I'd hope an investigation of her finances and communications is opened up.

Hans Persson said...

Its pretty obvious anon.. This is what the current administration has to deal with on daily basis.

RussInSoCal said...

Seditious bint. These shenanigans are not new. Ted Kennedy reached out to Soviet leadership in the early 1980's reassuring them that Reagan would be gone in 1984 and things would return to "normal".

Bob Huntley said...

That murderer Ted Kennedy and he wasn't even President.

Mary Jo Kopechne's last words: "But what if I get pregnant. Oh well, I guess we'll cross that bridge when we get there."

Anonymous said...

Illegal? ask Rudy, he knows about dealing with foreign nations, though he is the lawyer for the president. Can a private citizen now speak openly about a position he or she believes in? Have we come to that under the present regime? Oh, but ok to speak to the head of an enemy state and have no record of what was said. That is ok

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Can a private citizen now speak openly about a position he or she believes in?
So why did ilk like you prosecute Flynn?

Have we come to that under the present regime? Oh, but ok to speak to the head of an enemy state and have no record of what was said.
1.) The interpreter has a memory. Unless you are saying she is being threatened in order for her to be kept quiet, then you have no leg to stand on.
2.) You made Trump keep no records by incessant leaking, spying and all the other crap Dems pull.

Meanwhile Hillary and Wiener's wife dream of smashing electronics to hid evidence.

PS: Democrats often go overseas to talk smack about the US. Why is that? They cannot say it on the set of CNN?