Friday, May 17, 2019

Germany, France And The Netherlands Will Not Follow President Trump's Huawei Ban

DW: EU leaders: We won't follow Trump's Huawei ban

Germany, France and the Netherlands have said they will not block Huawei from participating in the expansion of national 5G networks. The US fears that China could use Huawei equipment for spying.

The leaders of Germany, France and the Netherlands said Thursday that their governments do not plan to follow the lead of the US and ban Chinese telecommunications company Huawei from building up their national 5G high-speed mobile networks.

President Donald Trump declared a national emergency for the telecommunications sector on Wednesday, citing "unacceptable risks" from "foreign adversaries" — including from cyberespionage and sabotage. The executive order empowers Washington to ban technology and services, including Huawei, which US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said would be blacklisted as of Friday.

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WNU Editor: Germany, France and the Netherlands have governments that cannot be seen pandering to President Trump. It then makes you wonder .... was this decision based on that, or do they really believe that Huawei is not a security threat?


Anonymous said...

One of the main tenets of the Russian/Trump strategy, weaken the NATO participants from within. Done! And further, weaken the international Western standard of security against anti democratic nation states, Check! Broken down and in disarray. Probably Obama, maybe Clinton- ha!

RussInSoCal said...

Germany, France and the Netherlands would happily cut off their own balls if it might elicit a gasp from Trump.

Now it looks like they have. But no Trump-gasp. Just the satisfaction of shoving a pick in their own eye.



Anonymous said...

Ignorant political hack! Let a Eurpean tell you that it was Merkel, not Trump

1. It was Merkel's immigration politics that ripped Europe apart and brought us also Brexit

2. It was Merkel who made the huge oil deal with Russia''s gasprom. For the uneducated: also former German Chancellor Schröder left to gasprom after he embarassed himself on national stage and almost fled the country due to immense unpopularity

You have no idea what you're talking about

Meanwhile Trump's questions about NATO and their budget led to a 100bn increase that they themselves said he should get some credit for

The ignorance, lack of education of the idiotic, arrogant left in the United States knows no bounds. Go watch your race and class baiting CNN!


Mike Feldhake said...

Your #1 is a little off; Obama did not enforce the red line, let Russia into Syria who then created the large immigrant wave to the EU. Yes, I suppose there was this trend before but Merkel worked with Obama to accept the inflow. Why -who knows!

Hans Persson said...

Sigh... It's all about the money. Netherlands for example is already building the 5G network with Huawei, they cant back down now. Germany as we all know bends backwards just do please everyone that hates Trump and that can give them money. And France is already a lost cause.

Anonymous said...

Trump allowed Russia and Iran in and told the nation we would withdraw, leaving Kurds, rebels and Israel to fend for themselves. simple as that.Assad won, thanks to Trump

Hans Persson said...

What are you talking about? What has Syria anything to do about this? Troll.

Anonymous said...

Have you served?

Anonymous said...

You sure are knowledgeable.