Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Iran Quadruples Uranium Enrichment

Daily Mail/Press Association: Iran has QUADRUPLED uranium-enrichment production capacity, nuclear officials reveal following Trump's exchange of threats with Tehran over Twitter

* Iran has massively increased ability to produce fuel-grade uranium, experts say
* This means it could quickly exceed the stockpile limit set under the nuclear deal
* Tehran has set a July 7 deadline for the deal to be rescued after America backed out, otherwise it will stop complying
* Tensions have been building between US and Tehran amid fears of all-out war

Nuclear officials have revealed that Iran quadrupled its uranium-enrichment production capacity amid tensions with the US over Tehran's atomic programme.

The announcement came after US president Donald Trump and Iran's foreign minister traded threats and taunts on Twitter.

Iranian officials stressed that the uranium would be enriched only to the 3.67% limit set under the 2015 nuclear deal with world powers – making it usable for a power plant, but far below what is needed for an atomic weapon.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Iran is openly bragging about this .... Iran’s uranium enrichment rate increased by fourfold with new design (MEHR News Agency)

More News On Iran Quadrupling Uranium Enrichment

Iran Quadruples Uranium Enrichment -- VOA
Iran quadruples production of enriched uranium, officials say -- FOX News/AP
Iran increases by fourfold the rate of production of low enriched uranium -- Reuters
Tehran Increases Uranium Enrichment Fourfold Amid Iran Deal Suspension – Report -- Sputnik

1 comment:

Matthew Putnam said...

I guess we know where the billions of dollars that Obama gave to Iran went. Best deal ever! SO well thought out with such incredible results.

And piss off Fred! Girly man with your hyperlinks to Saloon/The Onion panting at your screen all day.