Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Live: U.S. Attorney General Barr Faces Senate For Mueller Report Hearing (10:00 EST)


Anonymous said...

Attorney General William Barr canceled his hearing scheduled for Thursday before the House Judiciary Committee. Barr has been negotiating with the Democratic-controlled committee for several days. Chairman Jerrold Nadler said on Monday that the panel is committed to "take whatever action we have" if the AG were to cancel. — CBS

jimbrown said...

Hmm seems as if AG Barr has been reading my comments here on the failed Russia Trump disinformation campaign.

Why was HRC not investigated?

Anonymous said...

she was investigated for two (2) years. wake up

jimbrown said...

Not one bit for collussion. In fact she was protected.

The SC did not include her in his so called investigation into Russian interference.