Monday, May 13, 2019

President Trump: If The Situation Continues 'There Will Be Nobody Left In China To Do Business With'

Zero Hedge: Trump: Beijing "Will Be Hurt Very Badly" If They Retaliate With More Tariffs

As Washington and the investing public wait to learn more about Beijing's plans for retaliation following the latest round of trade-war escalation, Trump tweeted on Monday that Beijing would retaliate at its own risk: If it follows through with another round of retaliatory tariffs, Trump warned, there would "nobody left in China to do business with."

Read more ....

WNU Editor: President Trump is right on the long term impact of a trade war on China. Foreign companies will be moving their business to countries that are not impacted by U.S. tariffs. He is also right about the impact of tariffs on U.S. GDP numbers. U.S. manufacturers are now competitive with Chinese goods, and they are taking advantage of this by boosting their own production. But not everyone is cheering. There are some in the media who are critical of President Trump's tactics in the current trade war, starting with the need to keep trade negotiations in private. .... Trade talks become trade war (Axios). I agree with the need to keep trade negotiations in private, but when they fail, and in this case they have failed despite President Trump expressing optimism for the past two years that they would succeed, there is a need to go public to explain what happened, and what will be done next.

Hat tip to Fred for the Axios article.


Mike Feldhake said...

"There are some in the media who are critical of President Trump's tactics in the current trade war, starting with the need to keep trade negotiations in private" - I don't give a damn about what the Media thinks!! Keep the Tariffs until China deals.

Anonymous said...

I agree with above.
1. The Media is for whatever reason acting against our own intersts. Let that sink in. Do you understand what that might imply? It has been going on for years and I fear without Trump we'd be just sheeple not even aware of what is happening
2. I can confirm from own contacts that they/their companies have been moving away from China since Trump got in office

It is astonishing to me that the media keeps on getting away with this. In my eyes they are actively conspiring against this president. Who is directing the media? Is it just Democrats or is there more going on? This anti American bias that is heel bent on culture,sex and race wars. Who benefits from all this? It cannot be just Democrats. This is too sinister even for them

Bob Huntley said...

"Foreign companies will be moving their business to countries that are not impacted by U.S. tariffs."

Or, continue as they are doing now, shipping through countries that are not impacted by U.S. tariffs. In some cases the companies, some major corportations are US based entities.


That conspiring against the President thing is the cost of having a concept known as "Free Speech" but, don't worry about that. If Trump is re-elected that free speech concept will likely go away, along with some other things like having a government with three equal branches, you know designed to preserve the concept of the Constitution, one that is already on the way to being hijacked.

Anonymous said...

Trump's long term goals are pretty obvious.
Using high tariffs on Chinese imports, force importers into the US to either bring their manufacturing home or move to friendly Asian nations such as Vietnam or India. This serves to cut off China's access to US dollars which are a foundation of China's historic military build up.

Reduce the cost of manufacturing in the USA via tax reform, regulatory reform and a huge growing supply of US energy production. This makes returning to the US more realistic.

So far it's working as manufacturing is sharply growing in the US after decades of stupidity by Dems and Goper's with the stupid phrase "it's gone and won't come back". True as far as it goes. As long as stupid was in power it was true.

These tariffs will be permanent in my view. But don't underestimate China's reaction. They will turn away from the US and double down on the Belt and Road where the money is, rich Arab states and the EU. Long term this will act to split the globe into two major spheres, the one dominated by China and the other the US and allies today won't be in such a world.

Anonymous said...

Wow you still buy into it? Almost 3 years in and you still go for the Trump is the next Hitler/fascist?
