Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Robert Mueller Makes Public Statement On The Russia Investigation (Live)


Judge Holmes said...

What Mueller made clear
1. Russia fully involved in our election
2. it is not the role of the special counsel to bring charges
3. the constitution leaves the determination of charging a president to Congress

What he did not say:
The redactions were properly made or not properly made or some should NOT have been made.
What he will say: nothing after this appearance, even if called before Congress

Anonymous said...

Yyaaaaaawwwwn..OK ok give me a minute. .I'll be right there. ..*grabs his keys and tinfoil hat*

Anonymous said...

If you really believe squirrel, start the impeachment! You've been consistently wrong before why stop now?

Anonymous said...

Here is what Meuller has already done

"If we had confidence that the president did not commit a crime, we would have said so," Robert Mueller said in his statement on the Russia probe.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Bret Baier, Fox News, "not anywhere clear cut" as AG Bill Bar initially characterized it. "In fact, it was almost the opposite," Baier said.

Anonymous said...

That is what he said today while not under oath, what did his written report say? You have demonstrated many times you have no grasp of the law or politics. As stated above if you really believe then impeach!
You though prefer to live in the darkness of smear, innuendo, and unnamed sources. You get the respect you deserve, which is none.

Anonymous said...

Mueller directly refutes White House claim that his report exonerates Trump

Virtually No Wage Growth, Surge in Stock Buybacks: Study Offers More Proof Trump Tax Cuts Were 'Designed to Put a Big Windfall in Oligarch Pockets'

Bob Huntley said...


Anonymous said...

Mueller has a record of incompetence and it shows up again. Given one job, just one job, find a crime in Trump's past. Doesn't matter what or when or how trivial the crime, just fine one.

He couldn't do it. Not with dozens of staff attorneys that hate Trump as much as Mueller. Not with unlimited time and budget.
The 21st Century's version of Inspector Clouseau.

Anonymous said...

Typical links squirrel, keep looking!

Anonymous said...

Mueller could not be more partisan/political if he tried. This is meant to be an independent man?


Anonymous said...

Trump’s golf cart rental expenses set to surpass $500,000

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Great wisdom---> "[Mueller] prefers to live in the darkness of smear, innuendo, and unnamed sources.

Fred said...

Too cowardly to use a name, and with nothing of substance to say but only a Trump-like girly boy name calling, THIS IS ANON!

Matthew Putnam said...

Howdy Fred! I am not too cowardly to use a name. What are you going to do with it exactly? There YOU go name calling and adding nothing of substance yet again. This post reeked of your yeast infection, and its just unsightly to see you writhing in your froth bubbles and panting at your screen. No one here takes you seriously and its been years since you added anything of value. Your Onion and Saloon links are all garbage, and you prance around here muttering to yourself about orange man bad and behaving like the Blog troll that you are. You never fail to be the laughable blog jester we have all come to know and love.

He is such a good boy.

Bob Huntley said...

Matthew Putnam fake name. I know you you are Horace Benuer.

fred said...

ah, your fake name revealed: and another girly boy anon!!
My links not of substance? they come from mainstream sites and deal with important issues. Your attempt to be dismissive a clear indication that you are the fem with nothing to say, nothing to add, but your monthly call more names, try more insults, use fake name, and by all means say nothing that relates to the issue at hand, nothing of substance, not even a point of view worth considering. Now check your sanitary pad

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Panting, your links are mainstream sourced, hahahaha.

Anonymous said...

You not Mueller. You can't even get that right.

Anonymous said...

Well, well, well you're back. I said you would be. How does it feel to know your words are worthless? Good thing you didn't lie ahem embellish your past isn't. Tell us again about your best friend Matt and your dinner parties, or just the pictures on you mantle piece. That ole self placed halo has gotten pretty tarnished!

Anonymous said...

girly boy
tampon needs changing

fred said...

What the Mueller report actually said: "The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion," Mueller wrote. This help "favored presidential candidate Donald J. Trump and disparaged presidential candidate Hillary Clinton." The Trump campaign "expected it would benefit electorally from information stolen and released through Russian efforts," and it "welcomed" this help. Today, Mueller said "We chose those words carefully, and the work speaks for itself." (The Atlantic)
Attorney General William Barr repeatedly insisted that Robert Mueller "found no evidence" that the Trump campaign conspired with Russia to interfere in the 2016 presidential election and that Russian efforts to interfere "did not have the cooperation of President Trump or the Trump campaign." Barr also claimed Mueller's report did not find "collusion" between the Trump campaign and the Russian government. Further, Barr said that even if the Trump campaign had colluded with WikiLeaks, that was not a crime. Mueller identified "numerous" Trump campaign-Russia contacts, but the report says there was "insufficient evidence" to establish a criminal conspiracy between Trump or his campaign aides and their contacts with Russians. The report outlines how Trump was elected with Russia's help and when a federal inquiry was started to investigate the effort, Trump took multiple steps to stop or undermine it.

fred said...

Robert Mueller's remarks "definitely" contradict William Barr’s summary, Chris Christie says
An ex-prosecutor, Republican Chris Christie has had much to say about special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe

Anonymous said...

Your words Lapides, your statement, do you deny even that?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


fred said...

girly boys got panties soiled...ha ha ha