Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Russia's Nuclear Arsenal Is A Threat

Image: Wikimedia

Mark B. Schneider, National Interest: Russia's Massive Nuclear Weapons Arsenal Is a Threat

And America needs to take notice.

The U.S. mainstream view of Russia has changed quite a bit in the last twenty years, particularly in the last five. We have moved from the fantasy that there was no threat from Russia after the demise of the Soviet Union to a recognition of a serious Russian threat to the U.S. and its allies, including a nuclear threat in the last two years of the Obama administration and the Trump administration. However, characterizing the relationship between the U.S. and Russia as “competition” as it now appears in U.S. Government documents, does not go far enough. Lockheed and Boeing compete; Russia threatens preemptive nuclear attack. It is unilaterally trying to create a sphere of influence in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet states in the classic 19th Century sense while building the largest nuclear arsenal in the world. There is no competition here but rather a serious threat from Russia.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The current global nuclear weapons inventory can be viewed here .... 2018 Estimated Global Nuclear Warhead Inventories (Arms Control Association).

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