Wednesday, June 12, 2019

A Fifth Of People Living In War Zones Are Suffering From Mental Illness

A man at a site recently hit by what activists said was a Scud missile in Aleppo’s Ard al-Hamra neighborhood, February 23, 2013. REUTERS/Muzaffar Salman

Reuters: Mental illness affects a fifth of people living in war zones

LONDON (Reuters) - One in five people in war zones has depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress, bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, the World Health Organization said on Tuesday, with many suffering severe forms of these mental illnesses.

The findings highlight the long-term impact of war-induced crises in countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq, South Sudan, Syria and Yemen, the UN’s health agency said, and the numbers are significantly higher than in peacetime populations, where around one in 14 people has a mental illness.

“Given the large numbers of people in need and the humanitarian imperative to reduce suffering, there is an urgent need to implement scalable mental health interventions to address this burden,” the research team said.

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WNU Editor: I thought the number would be higher .... much higher.


B.Poster said...

I'd have thought this number would be much higher as well. After all 100% of combat veterans suffer from PTSD. There would be no reason to suspect the situation to be any different among "non combatants" who live in war zones. In fact, military combat personnel are specifically trained to be able to deal with this situation. Generally non combatants aren't. As such, however bad this is among military combat personnel we would expect the situation to be even worse among non combatants living in war zones. Essentially this article and its conclusions of on 20% of people in this situation suffering from mental illness is not worth the bandwidth it takes up or the paper it would take up should someone decide to print it.

Anonymous said...

Trump apparently keeps telling advisers he will 'sue' Democrats if they impeach him

Bob Huntley said...
