Thursday, June 6, 2019

Anti-China Sentiment Is Rising In Washington

CNBC: Anti-China sentiment is rising in Washington and Beijing needs to pay attention, former US official says

* Even though the current administration is the one that has led the charge on the trade war with China, he said, “almost all” the 24 Democrats running for president in 2020 have “some sort of anti-Chinese sentiment,” says Tim Adams of the Institute of International Finance.
* Similarly, he is concerned that Washington does not understand the rhetoric from Beijing.
* He pointed out that there could be “miscalculations” in Washington and Beijing, where trade and nationalism are concerned, and that could “potentially trip us into a lower growth trajectory.”

Anti-China sentiment is rising in Washington — and Beijing should not underestimate that, a former under secretary for international affairs at the U.S. Department of Treasury said on Thursday.

“I worry that Chinese authorities ... underestimate how broadly the anti-Chinese sentiment is in Washington — it runs across the full political spectrum,” said Tim Adams, who is now president and chief executive of the Institute of International Finance (IIF), a trade association.

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WNU Editor: When President Trump was threatening to impose tariffs on Chinese two years ago, the mainstream media narrative was overwhelmingly negative. Flash forward to today, the media narrative today has definitely changed, and no one in Congress is rushing to the defense of China. Anti-China sentiment is also not rising just in Washington. There is a rising anti-China sentiment in most Asian countries, and a growing awareness in Africa that China's debt trap only benefits China.


Bob Huntley said...

"no one in Congress is rushing to the defense of China."

No doubt true however, how many are not defending China because the see no gain to be made and also to avoid having to defend themselves in what is fast becoming a Fascist country? If Trump is unseated in the next election it will be back to normal. If he wins it will be bubbly, bubbly, bubbly down the drain.

Outside of America every other country is watching closely because they know that on a bad hamburger day, they could be next.

Anonymous said...

And 4 years after Trumps obvious reelection, when the country isn't any more fascist than when he first assumed office, will you have any self reflection? Who do you imagine can realistically rise to the top of the Democratic party without serving the interests of the bankers and billionaires who put them there Fred? It's always a gradual descent into empire collapse, sure. But your constant chicken-little disasterism that never seems to materialize, over a completely average president (policy-wise) just kind of makes you look goofy bud. You know how you roll your eyes whenever you see some pot bellied trucker swooning over the latest Trump twitter diss? Well the rest of us who haven't drank either side's koolaid don't see much difference between the both of ya.

Embrace the collapse. Laugh at it. Find some way to exist without pinning your hopes on the next guy making things any more than marginally better. Your leaders are already chosen for you before we get to vote on the two approved candidates. And if not, like Trump, they're quickly made to bend the knee to the war-hawks and Washington power brokers to continue the status-quo.

But it's just all so tiresome to see ya fretting over the next election as if the Democrats are going to look out for your interests any better. I hope you have a fulfilling life outside of this comment section. Really do.

Anonymous said...

My bad Bob. I accidentally put your shadow's name in my second sentence there. My apologies!

Roger Smith said...

Bob, I think you ought to get out more. Try Trump country. Give someone out there who is now working as a result of DJT and policies and tell them of your "bubbly, bubbly" theory. Don't get out of the car to talk and keep the engine running.

Just what does "bubbly bubbly" look like if you had to draw a picture of same? In fact, bring it home and tell ME how I have been negatively impacted. With pictures. Not meaningless rhetoric. Pictures. In fact I'll buy and forward the coloring pad and a big crayon box, not the ten color crayon box, the BIG one, this should help a hopeless deplorable like myself to understand what it is that causes you to be so negative.


Bob Huntley said...


Your first paragraph is garbage.

Totally agree with your second paragraph.

Your third I don't give a damn about which party gets in, in the US, because A) as you are aware they are all controlled by the wealthy and so the GOP rules, even when the Dems have power, and B) I am a Canadian.

But it is interesting watching a country, at war with itself, descend in whatever they will become. Unfortunately it's death throws have the potential of consuming the world.

Bob Huntley said...


Your post sounds as if it was created by you alter ego, Anon.

Bob Huntley said...

It was actually, garbage that is.