Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Canadian General: Islamic State Defeated But Ideology 'Alive And Well'

Brigadier General Colin Keiver, shown in a this 2018 handout image provided by the Canadian Armed Forces helicopter, flying over Iraq. Handout by The Canadian Armed Forces

National Observer/Canadian Press: Canadian general says Islamic State defeated but ideology 'alive and well'

Canada's former commander in Iraq says the Islamic State may have been defeated on the battlefield, but the militant group remains alive and well as an insurgency and could still wield strong influence in the war-torn region.

From June 2018 until last month, Brig.-Gen. Colin Keiver served as commander of Joint Task Force Impact, responsible for the Canadian Armed Forces counter-Daesh mission in the Middle East. Daesh is the Arabic acronym for the Islamic State.

"Daesh or ISIS in Iraq or northeast Syria has been defeated in the sense that they are no longer a quasi-state," said Keiver in an interview with The Canadian Press.

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WNU Editor: This Canadian General is warning what others before him have warned ....ISIS may have lost the war, but their support among a good part of the population is still there. 


Anonymous said...

ISIS ideology has been "alive and well" for centuries. ISIS is an offshoot of what has gone before back to the days of the Spanish conquest by Moors under the flag of Jihad. Also ISIS's ideology has many allies and enablers scattered in Canada and the United States. Witting or otherwise.

Bob Huntley said...

“A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on. Ideas have endurance without death.”

― John F. Kennedy

Caecus said...

It all started with Muhammad in 7th century Arabia