Thursday, June 20, 2019

Iranian Media Publishes Alleged Video of US Drone Downing

Sputnik: Iranian Outlet Publishes Alleged Video of US Drone Downing

Iranian paramilitary forces stated earlier on Thursday that a US spy drone had been shot down after entering Iran's airspace in the south of the country.

Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) has reportedly released a video showing the moment a US military drone in the southern area of the Persian Gulf was downed, according to the Press TV state broadcaster.

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WNU Editor: Can't tell much from this video. It could have been done months ago.


fred said...

Iran says will take drone incident to UN to show US 'lying'

Anonymous said...

Good to see Farsi Fred is onboard!

Bob Huntley said...


fazman said...

Who cares what they take, and where they take it

fred said...

anon: i know you are but what am I?