Thursday, June 20, 2019

Pentagon Releases Video Of Iran Shooting Down U.S. Drone

FOX News: Video of Iran shooting down US drone released by Pentagon

The smoke trail of a U.S. Navy drone that was shot out of the sky over the Strait of Hormuz by Iran can be seen in video released by the Pentagon on Thursday as tensions escalated over what military officials described as an "unprovoked attack."

The U.S. Navy RQ-4A Global Hawk, an unmanned aircraft with a wingspan larger than a Boeing 737 jetliner, was brought down by an Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps surface-to-air missile that was fired from near Goruk, Iran on Wednesday night, according to Lt. Gen. Joseph Guastella, head of U.S. Air Forces Central Command.

"This was an unprovoked attack on a U.S. surveillance asset that had not violated Iranian airspace at any time during its mission," Guastella said. "This attack is an attempt to disrupt our ability to monitor the area following recent threats to international shipping and free flow of commerce."

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Cannot see much in the video. But there is one thing clear about this video and the videos released earlier this week showing an Iranian boat beside a damaged oil tanker .... and that is the U.S. is watching the Iranians very closely. I should also add that the Iranians probably know that, and they do not like that .... hence for today's shooting down of a U.S. drone.


Anonymous said...

Stop filming us removing evidence or we will shoot down your drones.

Anonymous said...

there is no drone.
the drone if there was any did not violate any airspace.
the drone was over international waters.
they should not have shot down our drone.

:-us credibility everyone

Jac said...

I don't know what will be the "US response" but either it will be too much soft or hard. I fear the soft, not because I am a war monger, but because the Iranian want to see they hit hardly US for a strong position in negotiation. And that's encouraging Iran to do a stronger strike. This will put the Trump administration in a corner: either it will be seen as a weak allied ( if US cannot defend itself why they will defend an attacked allied )and the popular re probation or a hard answer which could bring a real war. We are in across road.