Thursday, June 20, 2019

President Trump Says He Does Not Believe This Was A Deliberate Act By The Iran Government. Probably A General Made The Decision

WNU Editor: The video begins at 5:45. President Trump does not believe this shoot-down was deliberate. Hints that a General or someone else in authority made the decision to act this way. President Trump's remarks have calmed the markets, and in my opinion it was the right thing to say. My gut also tells me that the "back-channels" are working overtime right now. And as I mentioned in a previous post .... the pressure to respond militarily must be overwhelming in the White House right now.


Anonymous said...

As of now the only allies the US has on its economic war against Iran are all in the Middle East. Outside there the EU, Asian allies, Russia, China, India are all against the US economic war. Really against it and can be expected to go hard against Trump should there be a major shooting war. Most of those countries would be thrilled to see Trump gone in 2020, lets not forget. Opposing him on Iran is one way to achieve that.

Fortunately Trump knows all this and will be cool and chill.

fred said...

ah, a true believer!
Trump will not do anything. Putin just warned the US not to make war

Anonymous said...

That's why Iran is in a rush to escalate, they are just 9 days from surpassing enrichment quotas.

Anonymous said...

WNU Editor, you are far too forgiving here. Trump might as well give them a greenlight to do as they please with this excuse.

Bob Huntley said...


fazman said...

We just heard that trump signed off on strikes on Iranian missile and radar sites and just cancelled the order.

fazman said...

Exactly, and it makes trump look like a moron.

fazman said...

Putin did no such thing, simply gave his take on the status quo.

Bob Huntley said...