Saturday, June 22, 2019

President Trump Nominates Mark Esper As The Next U.S. Defense Secretary

Daily Mail: Trump nominates Army chief Mark Esper as defense secretary - after Michael Shanahan withdrew amid reports of domestic violence

* Mark Esper will be nominated by Trump to be the next defense secretary
* The announcement comes after Patrick Shanahan withdrew from consideration after reports of domestic violence incidents
* Esper, 55, is a Bronze Star Army veteran who served in the first Iraq War
* He also holds degrees from West Point and Harvard, but his past work as a Washington defense contractor has made him a target for criticism
* Esper's nomination comes as America's relationship with Iran reaches boiling point and the Pentagon battles with a number of other diplomatic concerns

President Donald Trump says he will nominate Mark Esper to be the next defense secretary.

Esper, who is currently Army Secretary, is scheduled to take over as Acting Defense Secretary on Sunday.

His predecessor as Acting Secretary, Patrick Shanahan, left the Pentagon on Friday.

Shanahan had only been in the role since January 1 of this year, and was expected to be formally nominated into the role.

However, he unexpectedly withdrew his nomination on Tuesday amid reports of a past domestic violence incident.

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More News On President Trump Nominating Mark Esper As The Next U.S. Defense Secretary

Trump taps Army Secretary Mark Esper to lead Pentagon -- Politico
Trump Nominates Mark Esper as Next Defense Secretary -- The New York Times
Trump nominates Army Secretary Mark Esper to be next Defense Secretary -- CBS
Trump says he intends to nominate Esper to lead Pentagon -- The Hill
Trump to nominate acting Pentagon chief Esper for Defense secretary -- CNBC
How Conflict Shaped Trump's New Acting Defense Secretary -- Newsweek


fred said...

A dangerous confusion at the heart of Trump’s foreign policy
Publicly, President Trump is determined to appear tough. The problem is that his policy goals have never been murkier. The net result is a president who has proved adept at triggering foreign policy crises, but who seems unable to defuse them.

Anonymous said...

Trump's policy is a clear departure from Obama's appeasement.

Instead of plussing up the Mullahs with moolah, Trump is starving the Mullahs of moolah.

That is crystal.

fred said...

this by anon is typical: trump good; obama bad
fact: trump talked tough backed down
fact: Obama had red line did nothing
Obama had deal; trump discarded it and wants to force iran to new deal. thus far: nada

Anonymous said...

Thus far economic sanction are working given a full 2 or 3 years and the Mullahs will be in dire straights and maybe kaput.

Already Iran was cut funding to Hezbollah. In turn Hezbollah has laid off fighters. Maybe that pisses you off Fred. Maybe you'd rather see Hezbollah at full strength lobbing missiles at Israel.

Bob Huntley said...


Anonymous said...


fred said...

Glad someone has gone over the books and determined Hezbollah etc have had funding cut. Perhaps they will open lemonade stands in Lebanon to fund their activities. And tell them time to leave area close to Israel in Golan because their funds cut

Anonymous said...

Lapides: A modest man with much to be modest about.

Anonymous said...

Obama's foreign policy

Red line debacle
Failed pivot to Asia
Being called a child by Putin and not doing anything
Iran money

You must be a special kind of retard

Anonymous said...

There are several different anons here *face palm*

The "panting" one above is someone else for example. You really gotta think before you write, little parrot. :)

Anonymous said...

Lol it's not modesty then though
At best it's accuracy ;)